What does wajib mean?
We must do it, it is compulsory. If we do not do it, we get gunaah
What is taqleed?
Taqlid means obeying Islamic Laws according to the ruling of a Marja’.
Taqlid is allowed for rulings relating to Furūʿ al – Dīn and other daily matters.
Where on my head do I do my masah?
The part of the head which comes under the ceiling.
What is 1 wajib ghusl?
It is haraam to face the _____ while sitting on the toilet?
Who is a mu'min?
Someone who believes in one God, prophets, day of judgement, justice of Allah and the imams (AS)
What is a fatwa?
Fatwa = the rulings given by the Marjaa
What is the width of the masah of feet?
The wiping of the feet can be of any width;
however, better the width of three fingers joined together;
even better for the whole of the upper foot to be wiped with the whole of the hand.
True or false: Washing inside the ears, nose, and other inner parts is required.
What is mutahiraat?
Mutahhiraat are things that make najis things taahir
What is mubah?
True or false: All mujtahids and marjaas
How many times do I wash my face?
How many times is it wajib, mustahab and haraam?
In wudū’ - washing the face
once is obligatory,
twice is recommended,
and three times or more unlawful.”
What is the timing for Friday ghusl?
Time: Subh prayers to sunset, preferably near Zuhr.
If delayed: Perform before sunset without specifying adā’ or qadā’.
Missed on Friday: Perform as qadā’ on Saturday from Subh prayers to sunset.
No water on Friday: Perform on Thursday or the night before with the intention of rajā’."
What is the difference between tahir and clean?
Tahir: ritually pure
Who is a munafiq?
They claim they are muslim but they just say that so that people think of them as a good person, but do not actually pray or fast
Who is muqallid?
Muqallid is a person who does Taqlid that is follows the orders of the Marjaa.
Sameera washed her feet before doing Wudhu and then did Masah on her wet feet. Is her Wudhu, okay?
What are three conditions for the water used in ghusl?
Tahir, not mixed, not ghasbi
What is najasat-ul-ayn?
There are 10 things that are Najis by nature. They can’t become taahir by simply washing them.
Who is a faasiq?
Someone who defiantly disobeys and violates islamic rulings publicly
What are 4 conditions of a marjaa?
Mujtahid who is male,
of the age of legal responsibility (bāligh),
sane (‘āqil),
a Twelver (Ithnā ‘Asharī) Shia,
of legitimate birth,
and just (‘ādil), can be followed.
Is Ali's wudhu valid if he didn't have any wetness left on his hands for masah and took extra water from the tap for it?
What is ghusl e irtimasi?
Ghusl by immersion
Mutanajis means "made najis but not najis by its own nature"