An Old Dying Order
Growing Power
The Christian Prince?
Accumulation of Power & Great Impressions

This novelty, menacing and baffling, was no remote phenomenon. Across the Channel the new French monarchy had emerged much strengthened from the _______________ ___________ _______________. _____________ ____________ and his son, Charles VIII, were no longer mere heads of a loosely integrated group of feudal principalities.

Hundred Years War

Louis XI


In this world of growing power the King of ______________ had to move and act with far fewer resources than his neighbours. His subjects numbered not many more than _____________ _________________.


three millions


Almost his first act, six weeks after the death of his father in ______________, was to marry his brother Arthur's widow, ______________ ______________ _______________ ______________.


Princess Catherine of Aragon


After negotiations lasting thorughout the winter of ____________-___________ Ferdinand and the Venetians deserted Henry and the Pope and made peace with France.



Successes abroad enabled Wolsey to develop Henry VII's principles of ______________ ______________. During the twelve years that he was Lord Chancellor Parliament met only once, for two sessions spreading over three months in all. The Court of ______________ ______________ grew more active.

centralised government

Star Chamber 


The Age in which the young King Henry VIII grew up was, when seen from the perspective of later centuries, one in which an old order was dying. But it scarcely seemed so to those who lived in it. The change most visible to the eyes of a ruler was the creation of the modern _______________ _______________ ______________.

European state system


By the mere proximity of _____________ and the ______________ _______________, England was forced to play a part in European politics. Her King was involved in wars and negotiations, shifts in alliances, and changes in the balance of power, of which he had had little experience, and could only in a secondary degree affect.


Imperial Netherlands


Catherine was at Henry's side during the first _______________ _____________ years of his reign, while England was becoming a force in European affairs, perilous for foreign rulers to ignore.



Pope Julius II, who had been beseiged by a French force in Rome, had excommunicated the entire French army, and now ____________ ___________ ______________, an adornment then out of fashion, and swore he would not _____________ until he was revenge on the King of France. Henry, not ot be outdone, also _____________ _____________ ____________.

grew a beard


grew a beard


Thus it was that this system of arbitrary government, however despotic in theory, however contrary to the principles believed to lie behind _____________ ____________, in fact rested tacitly on the real will of the people. Henry VIII, like his father found an institution ready to his hand in the unpaid Justice of the Peace, the local squire or landlord, and taught him to govern.

Magna Carta


The _____________ _____________ ___________ was visibly in dissolation. But for two generations past the Emperor had been the head of the house of ________________, and what arms could not do diplomacy and luck did.

Holy Roman Empire



Until the death of his elder brother, Prince Arthur, ______________ had been intended for the ________________. He had therefore been brought up by his father in an atmosphere of learning. Much time was devoted to serious studies - Latin, French, Italian, theology, ____________ - and also to bodily exercise, to the sport of ______________, at which he excelled, to tennis, and hunting the stag.






The King continued the standing alliance with his father-in-law, Ferdinand of Aragon, which had brought honour and wealth to England. He supported the Pope, and was sent the ______________ ______________, the highest distinction which could be conferred on any Christian Prince.

Golden Rose


These arrangements, though costly, were brilliantly successful. Under Henry's command, the English, with Austrian mercenaries, routed the French in _____________ ____________ at the Battle of the ______________, so called because of the rapidity of the French retreat.

August 1513



The ______________ were indeed the architects of an English system of ______________ government which lasted almost unchanged until _______________ times. Unpaid local men, fearless and impartial, because they could rely on help from the King, dealt with small matters, sitting in the villages often in twos and threes.





As Emperor, ________________ was for ever illustrating the difference between reach and grasp, but he had married the greatest heiress in Europe. The house of ______________ thus began to act on the maxim of gaining its major victories by marriage. In the next generation the counsel was followed with even more brilliant results, for the Archduke Philip, heir of __________________ and Mary, married an even greater heiress than his mother, the Infanta Joanna, heir to Castile, Aragon, Sicily, and Naples.





Henry was accustomed to hear _________________ Masses on Church days, and ______________ on other days, served the priest at Mass himself, was never deprived of holy bread and holy water on Sunday, and always did penance on Good Friday. His zeal in theological controversy earned him from the Pope the title of "______________ _____________ ________________ _______________."



Defender of the Faith


For some time, Henry had been watching Dean Wolsey of Lincoln, a discovery of the _______________ _____________ ____________, whose sons had been to ________________ College School at Oxford when Wolsey was a master there.

Marquess of Dorset



_____________, the most famous knight in Europe, was captured, together with a host of French notables. _______________, the richest city of all North-East France, surrendered at the mere sight of the _____________ ____________, and was occupied by an English garrison.



Imperial artillery


Henry had already constructed the largest warship of the age, the _____________ _____________, of _____________ tons, with _____________ tiers one above the other, and an incredible array of guns. The fleet was built up under the personal care of the sovereign, who ordered the admiral to send word to him in minute detail "__________ ___________ ___________ __________ ____________," and was not content until England commanded the Narrow Seas.

Great Harry



how every ship did sail


It was Infanta Joanna's sister who had accelerated the rise of the house of _______________ by marrying Prince Arthur and after him _____________ _______________ _______________.


King Henry VIII


Henry wrote verses and composed music. Profoundly secretive in public business, he chose as his advisers men for the most part of the meanest origin: ______________ _____________, the son of a poor and rascally butcher of Ipswich, whose name appears on the borough records for selling meat unfit for human consumption; _____________ _____________, a small attorney; _______________ _______________, an obscure lecturer in divinity. Like his father he distrusted the ______________ ______________, preferring the discreet counsel of men without a wide circle of friends.

Thomas Wolsey

Thomas Cromwell

Thomas Cranmer

hereditary nobility 


France was preoccupied with Italian adventures, and Henry planned to reconquer Bordeaux, lost sixty years before, while King Ferdinand invaded Navarre, an independent kingdom lying athwart the Pyrenees, and the Pope and the republic of Venice operated against the French armies in ____________. The year was ______________, and this was the first time since the _____________ _____________ _____________ that  an English army had campaigned in ___________.



Hundred Years War



At Flodden Field a bloody battle was fought on _____________ ___________,_____________. Both armies faced their homeland. The whole of Scotland, Highland and Lowland alike, drew out with their retainers in the traditional ______________, or circles of spearmen, and around the standard of their King.

September 9, 1513



The zenith of this brilliant period was reached at the Field of the ____________ __________ ____________ in June _________, when Henry crossed the Channel to meet his rival, Francis I of France, for the first time, Henry's main perplexity was, we are told, about his appearance; he could not decide how he would look best, in his _____________ as usual or ___________-_____________. At first he yielded to Catherine's persuassion and _____________. But directly he had done so he regretted the step and _____________ ___________ ______________ again. It reached its full luxuriance in time to create a great impression in France.

Cloth of Gold





grew the beard
