The Catholic ______________ retained much of their power and influence. While Henry lived they constituted a check and barrier to the Reforming party.
Somerset himself was merely one of the regents appointed under Henry's will, and his position as ______________, at once dazzling and dangerous, had little foundation in law or precedent.
The Catholic peasantry in the ____________-________ rose against the ____________ ___________, and the yokels of the Eastern Counties against the enclosing _______________. This gave a fine handle to Somerset's enemies.
Prayer Book
The nominal King of England, _________ _________, was a cold, priggish invalid of fifteen. In his diary he noted his uncle's death without a comment. The Government of Warwick, now become ____________ _____________ ______________, was held together by class resistance to social unrest.
Edward VI
Duke of Northumberland
Mary accepted the allegiance of the counselors and officials who came meekly to her. The most adroit among them, _____________ ____________ was to keep close Government circles throughout Mary's reign, and great was to be his future under her successor. Secure upon the throne, Mary proceeded to realize the wish of her life - the __________ of the ____________ ____________.
William Cecil
The restoration of the Roman communion
Henry had restrained Cranmer's doctrinal innovations, and in the main upheld the whole Norfolk interest, represented in religion by _____________ _____________, Bishop of ______________.
Stephen Gardiner
The pale child Edward VI, who was constitutionally consumptive, might not live long. The next Protestant heir was _____________ ______________. She was living with _____________ ______________ ______________, last and most fortunate of Henry's wives, and ______________ ___________ was now married to the Admiral.
Princess Elizabeth
Lady Catherine Parr
Catherine Parr
In Germany in ___________-____________ the Reformation had been followed by the bloody ___________ _____________, in which the poorer classes in the countryside and the towns rose with the blessing of the reformer ____________ against their noble oppressors.
Peasants' War
_____________ _____________ definition of _____________ as " a conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of a commonwealth" fitted England very accurately during these years.
Thomas More's
The Commons supported an English candidate, ______________ ____________, Earl of Devon, a descendant of the house of ___________. But Mary's eyes were fixed overseas. Renard, envoy of the Emperor Charles V, worked fast, and she promised to wed the Emperor's son, the future ____________ ___________ of _____________.
Edward Courtenay
Philip II
The guardian and chief counselor of the child-king was his uncle, _____________ _____________, now Duke of Somerset. He and _____________ proceeded to transform the political reformation of Henry VIII into a religious revolution.
Edward Seymour
The life and economy of medieval England were fast dissolving. Landlords saw that vast fortunes could be made from _______________, and the village communal strips barred their profits. Warfare had been going on for decades between landowner and peasantry. Slowly and surely the rights and privileges of the village communities were infringed and removed.
In England in 1549, foreign mercenaries suppressed the Western rebellion. But in __________ the trouble was more serious. A tannery-owner named _____________ _________ took the lead. He established his headquarters outside ______________on ____________ ____________, where about sixteen thousand peasants gathered in a camp of turf huts roofed with boughs.
Robert Ket
Mousehold Hill
Under the Succession Act of _______________ the next heir to the throne was Princess Mary, the Catholic daughter of ______________ of ______________.
Catherine of Aragon
But Mary had all the obstinacy of the Tudors and none of their political sense. She was now on the threshold of her dreams- a Catholic England united in intimate alliance with the ____________ ____________ of the _____________.
Catholic Empire
Foreign scholars from ______________ and _______________, and even from distant Poland, were given chairs in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge to educate the new generation of clergy in the Reformed doctrines.
Dissolution of the ________________ removed the most powerful and conservative element in the old system, and for a time gave fresh impetus to a process already under way. The multiplication of enclosures caused distress throughout the realm. In some counties as much as ___________-_________ of the arable land was turned over to grass, and the people looked in anger upon the new nobility, fat with sacrilegious spoil, but greedy still.
Somerset's enemies claimed the credit for restoring order. They blamed the rising in the ___________ on his enclosure commissions and his sympathy for the ______________, and the rebellion in the West on his ___________ ____________. His foreign policy had driven the ______________ into alliance with ______________, and had lost Henry's one conquest, _______________.
religious reforms
On ______________ __________, _____________, Edward VI expired, and ____________ ____________ _____________ was proclaimed Queen in London. The only response to this announcement was gathering resistance: ______________ was too much hated throughout the land. The common people flocked to Mary's support. The Privy Counsellors and the City authorities swam with the tide. _______________ was left without an ally.
July 6, 1553
Lady Jane Grey
As summer came ____________ sailed northwards across the seas. Mary journeyed to ______________ to greet her bridegroom. With all the pomp of sixteenth-century royalty the marriage was solemnized in __________ ___________ according to the rites of the _____________ ____________.
July 1554
Catholic Church
The Book of Common Prayer, in shining English prose, was drawn up by ______________ and accepted by Parliament in ______________. Then followed, after ________________ fall, the _____________-___________ Articles of Religion, and a second Prayer Book, until, on paper at least, England became a ______________ State.
_______________ had thus to face one of the worst economic crises that England has endured. The popular preachers were loud in denunciation. The Sermon of the ____________, preached by _____________ _____________ at Paul's _____________ in _______________, is a notable piece of Tudor invective.
Hugh Latimer
Warwick became the leader of the ____________. "__________ __________ __________ ____________", as Warwick's party were called, met to take measures against the Protector. No one moved to support him. They quickly took over the ______________. After a spell in the Tower, Somerset, now powerless, was for some months allowed to sit in the Council, but as conditions got worse so the danger grew of a reaction in his favor. In January _____________, splendidly garbed as for a state banquet, he was executed on Tower Hill. This handsome, well-meaning man had failed completely to heal the dislocation of Henry's reign and fell victim to the fierce interests he had offended.
The Lords in London
Mary had been declared illegitimate by ____________ ____________ _____________; she was pressed to forsake her religion, and endured bitter conflicts between her ____________ to her father and her _______________. Her half-sister and half-brother overshadowed her at Court. She had clung to her confessors and her chapel throughout the reign of ____________ ____________, and was naturally feared by the ruling group of Protestant politicians in London. The Spanish blood in her was strong. She entered into close and confidential relations with ___________, the Imperial Ambassador. Her accession portended a renewal of the Roman connection and a political alliance with the Empire.
Act of Parliament
Edward VI
Mary has been for ever odious in the minds of a Protestant nation as the ___________ ___________ who martyred her noblest subjects. Generations of Englishmen in childhood learnt the sombre tale of their sacrifices from ____________ _________ of _______________, with gruesome illustrations. These stories have become part of the common memory of the people- the famous scenes at Oxford in ____________, the pitiful recantation and final heroic end in March 1556 of the frail, aged Archbishop, _____________. Their martyrdom rallied to the Protestant faith many who till now had shown ________________.
Bloody Queen
Foxe's Book of Martyrs