used for circuit control. comes in multiple types including SPST and MPST to name a few
what are Switches
This electronic component allows current to flow in only one direction, often used in circuits for rectification
what is a diode
this quantity is often represented by the omega symbol from the ancient Greek language. it also represents how much a material opposes the flow of electric current
what is resistance
This rotating part of a starter motor generates the magnetic field necessary to engage the motor and start the engine.
what is an armature
this ASE test is given the code A5
what is brakes test
This unit of electric current is named after a French physicist and is commonly abbreviated as 'A
what is an ampere
This component limits the flow of electrical current in a circuit, often marked with colored bands to indicate its value
what is a resistor
This quantity measures the potential difference that drives current through a circuit.
what is voltage
This process involves applying a simulated load to a battery to measure its ability to maintain voltage and deliver current under stress
what is a load test
abbreviated ATAM
what is the automotive academy
This type of interference occurs when unwanted signals disrupt communication or electronic devices, often caused by nearby radio waves
what is RFI or radio frequency interference
This safety device automatically interrupts the flow of electricity when it detects an overload or short circuit
what is a circuit breaker?
also known as power this unit measures the rate at which electrical energy is consumed or produced in a circuit
what is a watt
This rating measures the number of minutes a fully charged battery can sustain a constant discharge at a specific load before its voltage drops to a critical level.
what is reserve capacity rating
march 14th 2025
when is the next car show
This automotive safety feature prevents a vehicle from starting unless the transmission is in 'Park' or 'Neutral.
what is a neutral safety switch
In electrical schematics, this symbol is used to indicate where two or more wires are connected or joined together.
what is a wire splice
This fundamental electrical law relates voltage, current, and resistance, and is commonly written as V = I × R.
what is ohm's law
this rating is used to describe the strength of a battery in cold weather
what is CCA or COLD cranking amps
this ASE test is abbreviated A6
what is the electrical test
a type of variable resistor. most commonly used as a volume control.
what is a potentiometer?
This component is often represented in schematics by a switch symbol, and it controls the flow of electricity to a circuit by using an electromagnet
what is a relay
This law relates power, voltage, and current in an electrical circuit, and is commonly written as P = V × I.
what is watt's law
This component in a starter motor reverses the direction of current flow in the armature windings to maintain continuous rotation
what is a commutator
2 years hands on experience and a 70% or better on a 60 question tests are needed to be called this.
what is an ASE certified mechanic