Comma Rule 1
Comma Rule 2 Dependent Clause
Comma Rule 3 Lists and Series
Comma Rule 4 Appositives
Comma Rule 5 Names and Titles

 I walked the dog ________ then we went home.

So                And                       Yet

Saqué al perro a pasear ________ luego nos fuimos a casa.

Así             y                            Aun

I walked the dog(,) and then we went home.


Although he tried not to show it it was clear he was mad at me.

Aunque trató de no demostrarlo estaba claro que estaba enojado conmigo.

Although he tried not to show it(,) it was clear he was mad at me.


Mrs. Maldonado helps me with my Algebra Biology and English homework.

(La Sra. Maldonado me ayuda con mi tarea de Álgebra, Biología e Inglés.)

Mrs. Maldonado helps me with my Algebra(,) Biology(,) and English homework.


William Shakespeare the reserved English playwriter wrote plays more than four hundred years ago

William Shakespeare el reservado dramaturgo inglés escribió obras de teatro hace más de cuatrocientos años.

William Shakespeare(,) the reserved English playwriter(,) wrote plays more than four hundred years ago


George go clean your room

¡George ve a limpiar tu habitación!

George(,) go clean your room


 I received an A on my test _______ my mom let me stay at my friend's house.

For                               yet                      so

Recibí una A en mi examen _______ mi mamá me dejó quedarme en la casa de mi amigo.

Sin embargo                   para                  entonces

I received an A on my test (,) so my mom let me stay at my friend's house.


Before I left the parking lot I checked to ensure I didn't leave anything in the cart.

 Antes de salir del estacionamiento revisé para asegurarme de no haber dejado nada en el carrito.

Before leaving the parking lot (,) I checked to ensure I didn't leave anything in the cart.


Maria likes to get her hair done talk on the phone and and post dance videos to Tiktok.

Maria likes to get her hair done (,) talk on the phone(,) and post dance videos to Tiktok.


The domestic goldfish one of the most popular household pets can live more than ten years.

El pez dorado doméstico, una de las mascotas domésticas más populares, puede vivir más de diez años.

The domestic goldfish(,) one of the most popular household pets(,) can live more than ten years.


Will you please teach me how to use a comma Mrs. Lujan?

¿Podría enseñarme cómo usar una coma Sra. Luján?

Will you please teach me how to use a comma(,) Mrs. Lujan?


I would love to hang out this weekend ______ I am grounded.

but                            nor                          for

Me encantaría pasar el fin de semana ______ Estoy castigado.

pero                        ni                           para

I would love to hang out this weekend (,) but I am grounded.


Because I had forgotten my wallet I came back early from the store.

Como había olvidado mi billetera regresé temprano de la tienda. 

Because I had forgotten my wallet(,) I came back early from the store.  


My favorite holidays are Halloween Easter and my Thanksgiving!

Mis fiestas favoritas son Halloween Pascua y Acción de Gracias.

My favorite holidays are Halloween (,) Easter(,) and Thanksgiving


True or False

When you are writing an appositive, you should begin with a noun marker like "a," "an," or "the."

Verdadero o falso

Cuando escribes un apositivo, debes comenzar con un marcador de sustantivo como "a", "an" o "the".



I ate apples bananas and pears.

Comí manzanas plátanos y peras.

I ate apples(,) bananas(,) and pears.


I don't like seafood ___ I will eat fish.

But                      or                    yet

No me gustan los mariscos ___ Comeré pescado.

pero                        o                  todavía

I don't like seafood, but I will eat fish.


Does this sentences need a comma?

The boat had had a glimmering red trim when it was first purchased.

¿Estas oraciones necesitan una coma?

El barco tenía un borde rojo brillante cuando se compró por primera vez.

The boat had had a glimmering red trim, when it was first purchased.

 No. The independent clause comes before the dependent clause, so we don’t need a comma.


Do you need a comma in this sentence?

Please buy bread milk and cheese.

¿Necesitas una coma en esta oración?

Por favor compre pan leche y queso.

Yes, there are more than two list items.

Please buy bread(,) milk(,) and cheese.


A mythical Loch Ness Monster is said to make its home in Loch Ness a body of water in the south Scottish Highlands

Se dice que un monstruo mítico del lago Ness tiene su hogar en el lago Ness una masa de agua en las Tierras Altas del sur de Escocia.

A mythical Loch Ness Monster is said to make its home in Loch Ness(,) a body of water in the south Scottish Highlands


Do you think I need surgery Dr. Mendez?

¿Cree que necesito cirugía Dr. Méndez?

Do you think I need surgery(,) Dr. Mendez?


I thought the movie was going to be bad _______ I ended up loving it.

  yet                              nor                               or

Pensé que la película iba a ser mala _______ terminé amándome.

aun                               ni                                 o

I thought the movie was going to be bad(,) yet I ended up loving it.


Does this sentence need a comma?

Because it was a half day the bell kept surprising me when it rang.

¿Esta oración necesita una coma?

Como era medio día la campana me seguía sorprendiendo cuando sonaba.

Because it was a half day (,) the bell kept surprising me when it rang.

Yes. We need the comma here because the dependent clause comes before the independent clause.


Does this sentence need a comma?

I would love to visit London and Paris.

¿Esta oración necesita una coma?

Me encantaría visitar Londres y París.

No, there are only two items in a series.


True or False

When you are writing an appositive, it must come at the end of the sentence.

Verdadero o falso

Cuando escribes un apositivo, debe ir al final de la oración.



Jaime and Hector please put your phones away!

Jaime y Héctor ¡guarden sus teléfonos!

Jaime and Hector(,) please put your phones away!
