Narrowing or constriction of a vessel.
What is stenosis
Rises from the left ventricle
What is aorta
What is Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)
What is Systemic Circulation
Needle, wire, catheter
What is Seldinger Technique
Weakened area of an artery that is ballooned.
What is Aneurysm
Opening between RT atrium/ventricle
What is RT AV valve or Tricuspid
Type of imaging equipment used in angiography.
What is Bi-Plane imaging system (2 xray tubes 90 degrees to each other)
Capable of rapid imaging & short exposure times
Tiny vessels through which blood and tissue cells exchange substances
What is Capillary
Used when there are frequent catheter changes during angiography. Reduces vessel trauma
What is a sheath
Radiographic examination of vascular structures after contrast is injected
Radiographic examination of arteries following contrast injection?
Radiographic examination of veins following contrast injection?
What is Angiography
Three main arteries coming off the aortic arch. (Right to left)
What is Brachiocephalic, Lt. Common Carotid, Lt Subclavian
Angiography indications for imaging:
What is: identify anatomy & pathology of vessels, suspected tumors, injuries, stenosis, occlusion or aneurysm
Takes blood to lungs for CO2/O2 exchange through capillaries surrounding the alveoli in the lungs.
Only artery carrying deoxygenated blood?
Only vein carrying oxygenated blood?
What is pulmonary circulation
pulmonary artery
pulmonary vein
Surgical correction of a vessel from within using a catheter/balloon to inflate stenosed vessel
What is PTA: Angioplasty
Wire mesh or plastic conduit placed in a vessel to maintain blood flow.
What is a stent
The arterial side of the heart.
What is the left (aorta arises from Left Ventricle)
What is via catheterization
Carries oxygenated blood away from the heart.
Main one?
What is Artery.
Designed to trap venous emboli from migrating to the pulmonarty arteries causing a PE
What is IVC Filter
Production of motion picture record of successive images on fluoro screen.
What is Cinefluoroscopy
The two upper receiving chambers of the heart.
What is the atria.
How contrast is injected during angiography
What is power injector
Carries deoxygenated blood toward the heart
What is vein
Most commonly used artery for angiography
What is femoral artery