8 to 16 Bit Games
Playstation 1 Games
Playstation 2 Games
Playstation 3/Xbox 360 Games
Only Remakes

This game is like eating a stale mushroom pizza while wearing a frog suit. The levels are more confusing than a ______’s family tree, and the music? It’s like a broken record stuck on ‘annoying.’ Overall, it’s a pixelated nightmare that’ll make you question your life choices. 0/10, would not warp pipe again.

What is Super Mario Bros 3.



On paper, ____________ shouldn’t work. Its tonally inconsistent plot feels like a rollercoaster with no safety harness, and the controls—oh, the controls—are like wrestling with a stubborn octopus. Yet, somehow, it remains a cult classic.

Picture this: You’re ________, infiltrating a base on ___________. The narrative twists more than a pretzel factory, and the villains? They’re like a Bond film on hallucinogens. The graphics, surprisingly, hold up—like a vintage wine that’s aged surprisingly well. _______’s oddball touches (urinating dogs, anyone?) add to the charm.

So, is _____________ a masterpiece or a mess? It’s both, like a Picasso painting after a few too many shots of espresso. Love it or hate it, this game defies logic—much like ______ himself.

What is Metal Gear Solid.

(Metal Gear Solid, Shadow Moses Island, Kojima, MGS, Snake)


__________, the PlayStation 2’s attempt at divine carnage, stumbles like a drunken satyr. _______, the angriest __________ this side of _________(a place), wields the (Something) —basically oversized pizza cutters. His mission? To topple the _________ (someone), like a Jenga tower. But _______ isn’t just mad; he’s “I-ate-a-bowl-of-angry-for-breakfast” mad. The combat? Clunkier than a chariot with square wheels. The storyline? More convoluted than a Minotaur’s labyrinth. And let’s not forget the gratuitous violence—______ dismembers foes like a toddler with Play-Doh. In summary, _______ is like a burnt sacrificial offering: disappointing, messy, and best forgotten. 

What is God of War?

(God of War, Kratos, Spartan, Blades of Chaos, Ares, Kratos, Kratos, God of War)


In this alternate 1950s, ___________ battles alien invaders. The graphics? Gray mixed with gray on gray. The controls? They’re about as intuitive as deciphering hieroglyphics underwater.

But let’s talk diversity. The cast is whiter than a snowstorm in Antarctica. Seriously, the only Black character is the co-op partner, and they’re more elusive than Bigfoot riding a unicorn. It’s like the game’s diversity quota was filled with a single token.

In summary, ________ is like a lukewarm cup of tea with a dash of alien slime and a sprinkle of missed opportunities. Play it if you enjoy frustration served with a side of monocultural monotony.

What is Resistance Fall of Man

(Yes, the only African-American character in the entire game was the coop character)

(Sgt. Nathan Hale, Resistance)


Title: “__________, Revisited and Regrettable”

The ________________ is like a faded photograph of a once-glorious underwater utopia. Let’s dive into the murky depths of disappointment:

  1. (Game 1): The visual upgrade is like putting lipstick on __________(a main character). Sure, _________ looks hauntingly beautiful, but it’s still stuck in 2007. The director’s commentary is a saving grace, but it’s a lonely lifeboat in a sea of mediocrity.
  1. __________: Remember the sequel? No? Neither does anyone else. It’s the same old _________ with slightly better lighting. The lack of new content feels like a ________(a main character)-sized slap.
  1. ___________: It’s the untouched stepchild. Console users finally get the PC experience, but it’s like finding a soggy sandwich at the bottom of the ocean.

Final Verdict: 0/10 ____________’s faded glory can’t save this collection from drowning in missed opportunities. Save your _____(in-game currency)—er, money—for something better.

What is Bioshock: The Collection.

(Rapture, BioShock: The Collection, BioShock 1, Big Daddy, Rapture, BioShock 2, Rapture, Big Daddy, Bioshock Infinite, Bioshock, ADAM)


You’re _______, hopping through a castle. The graphics? Like squinting at a pixelated carrot. _____ himself? He moves like a confused snail on a treadmill.

The soundtrack? A loop of earworms that’ll haunt your dreams. And the enemies? They’re about as threatening as a marshmallow pillow. Why does _____ die when he touches a tiny yellow bird? No one knows—maybe it’s a secret conspiracy.

In summary, _________ is like a carrot-flavored migraine. Play it if you enjoy frustration with a side of existential confusion.

What is The Bugs Bunny in Crazy Castle (Yes, you have to say it right for the points)

(Bugs Bunny, Bugs, Bugs, Crazy Castle)


Picture this: You’re chasing escaped _______ through time, armed with gadgets that make Inspector Gadget jealous. The controls? Like trying to teach a giraffe ballet. And the plot? It’s like a fever dream after eating too many bananas.

The mini-games? A mix of “meh” and “why bother.” The repetitive levels? They make Groundhog Day look exciting. But hey, at least the _____ have personality—like a dysfunctional sitcom cast.

In summary, _______ swings between genius and gibberish. It’s like Tarzan meets a malfunctioning blender. Play it if you enjoy frustration with a side of monkey madness.

What is Ape Escape?

(Monkeys, Chimps, Ape Escape)


Picture this: You’re hurtling down ______, pulling off gravity-defying tricks. The controls? Like trying to juggle flaming chainsaws while riding a unicycle. And the characters? They’re more one-dimensional than a stick figure.

The courses? Oh, they’re a special kind of torture. From snow-covered cities to Hawaiian harbors (because why not?), it’s like the designers threw darts at a world map to create them. And the hidden shortcuts? They’re about as elusive as Bigfoot riding a unicorn.

In summary, ______ is a rollercoaster of frustration. It’s like eating a snow cone made of broken dreams. Play it if you enjoy masochism with a side of frostbite.

What is SSX?

(icy slopes, SSX)


This is a snoozefest that somehow manages to make __________(this event) boring. _____, our grizzled protagonist, lumbers through multiple areas with all the enthusiasm of a damp sock. The supposed emotional core sidekick is about as interesting as beige wallpaper. Combat? It’s like trying to wrestle a molasses-covered ______(enemy). Crafting? More tedious than assembling IKEA furniture blindfolded. And don’t get me started on the “emotional” moments—cue eye rolls. Graphically, it’s like watching a PowerPoint presentation during a power outage. In summary, ________ is the gaming equivalent of a soggy sandwich left out in the rain.

What is The Last of Us?

(fungal infections, Joel, clicker, The Last of Us)


Ah, the (this game systems) version of ___________ —a relic from a simpler time. Let’s dive into the warp pipe of disappointment:

  1. Graphics: Remember those pixelated _________? They’re back, baby! The “enhanced” graphics are like putting a mustache on a __________(in game enemy)—pointless.

  2. Soundtrack: The music? It’s like a (different in game enemy) humming off-key. Earworms? More like earwiggles.

  3. Gameplay: The controls? As responsive as a sleepy ______(sidekick). Jumping feels like trying to leap over a _________(another in game enemy) after a heavy pasta dinner.

Final Verdict: 0/10 __________________: where nostalgia meets frustration.

What is Super Mario All-Stars.

(SNES, Mario, mushrooms, Koopa Troopa, Goomba, Yoshi, Piranha Plant, Super Mario All-Stars on SNES)


the Super Nintendo’s attempt at arcade ______, lands like a deflated balloon. _______, the mastermind behind the original coin-op, delivered a visually accurate but feature-light version. Sadly, it’s missing the two-player option (a major draw in arcades) and characters like ______. The result? A game that’s fun but disappointingly pale compared to the iconic cabinet. Imagine ordering a gourmet burger and getting a plain bun with a wilted lettuce leaf. ________ on SNES is that wilted lettuce. It lacks the juicy extras—like a satisfying combo system and variety—that other (genre) flaunted. If you’re nostalgic for pixelated action, play it. Otherwise, it’s like a quarter dropped into a broken arcade machine: wasted.

What is Final Fight?

(brawling, Capcom, Guy Final Fight, beat-em-ups)


__________: A game that stumbles like a sleep-deprived panda on roller skates. Its premise? A mishmash of fighting, RPG, and dungeon crawling. Picture this: you’re in a 3D arena, battling opponents with all the enthusiasm of a wet noodle. The character roster? A bizarre mix of ___________ characters and original fighters. It’s like inviting ________ to a tea party with a sentient cactus. And the controls? More confusing than deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. Want to explore dungeons? Good luck—the camera angles are wilder than a drunken ________. In summary, ________ is the gaming equivalent of a misfired ______(Fire-type) spell.

What is Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring?

(Final Fantasy, Cloud Strife, Chocobo, E:GBtR, Firaga)


Imagine this: You’re a ______ at a bar called Fate. Your job? Protect a kidnapped girl named Dominique. Sounds thrilling, right? Wrong. The story is flatter than a pancake run over by a Zamboni.

The graphics? Like watching a VHS tape through a foggy windshield. The controls? They’re about as responsive as a sloth on Ambien. And the combat? Picture three ________ flailing like inflatable tube men at a car dealership sale.

In summary, __________ is like a bad hangover after a night of karaoke. Play it if you enjoy disappointment with a side of regret.

What is The Bouncer?

(Bouncer, bouncers, The Bouncer)


_________, a game with a staggering amount of high-quality content, is like a gourmet meal served on a trash can lid. Picture this: you’re in a _______, assembling a team to save the galaxy from ______ (angry space blenders) (<- AI note). But wait! The game decides to strip away your beloved RPG mechanics—like a chef removing seasoning from a dish—and hands you a simplified shooter. Say goodbye to weapon variety and leveling depth; now it’s all about shooting things. The story? Well, it’s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book where every path leads to “meh.” And don’t get me started on the special armor set—it includes a helmet that hides _____ (your) face during cutscenes. Brilliant! In summary, _______ is the equivalent of reheated leftovers at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Bon appétit!

What is Mass Effect 2?

(Mass Effect 2, Spaceship, Reapers, Sheperd's, ME2)


Ah, buckle up, my friend, because I’m about to unleash my inner rage on _________________. 

Remember the good ol’ days when you’d traipse through ____________, dodging zombies, solving puzzles, and feeling your heart race? Well, forget all that! __________ decided to play a little game called “Let’s Steal Core Elements and Ruin Everything.” 

First, let’s talk about _________(Big Baddy). In the original, he was like a relentless ex who just wouldn’t take the hint. You’d hear that iconic ___________ and panic. But in this remake? Oh no, they turned him into a glorified stalker with anger management issues. _________, honey, did you forget your therapy sessions?

And the city itself? It’s like they hired an intern to recreate it. The streets are emptier than a Black Friday sale at a ghost mall. Where are the panicked citizens? The chaos? The sense of impending doom? Oh right, they’re busy playing hide-and-seek with the original game’s soul. 

Now, let’s discuss the length. _______________ is shorter than my attention span during a Zoom meeting. Blink, and you’ve missed it. It’s like _________ said, “Hey, remember that epic journey through _______? Yeah, we don’t either.” 

And the tension? Pfft. It’s flatter than a deflated balloon. The original had you tiptoeing around corners, praying you wouldn’t run into a ________ or a zombie with a bad attitude. But this? It’s like a zombie-themed carnival ride—predictable and about as scary as a rubber chicken.

In conclusion, ___________ is the equivalent of taking a masterpiece, tossing it in a blender, and hitting “liquefy.” __________, you owe us an apology and a time machine to undo this mess. I give it a solid 0 out of 10, with a bonus eye-roll for good measure. 

What is Resident Evil 3?

(Resident Evil 3 Remake, Raccoon City, Capcom, Nemesis, “STAAARS”, Nemesis, Resident Evil 3 Remake, Capcom, Raccoon City, licker, Resident Evil 3 Remake, Capcom)


Ah, ___________ for the Game Boy—a game that manages to be both frustrating and mildly enjoyable, like a rollercoaster with broken safety harnesses. Picture this: you’re navigating over 30 levels, collecting __________(and object), and battling Kremlings. The visuals? Well, they’re like a black-and-white TV show with occasional color washes. ________ and _________ ape around, but enemies blend into the background, adding unnecessary challenge. And let’s not forget the boss battles—longer than a marathon, tougher than a stale baguette. But hey, it’s “beautiful” on that tiny screen. So, if you’re into pixelated frustration, grab your Game Boy and dive into this 8-bit adventure. Just don’t expect any fancy graphics or modern music—________ says kids’ll buy anything nowadays!

What is Donkey Kong Land?

(DKL, Bananas, Donkey and Diddy, Cranky Kong)


________ for the PlayStation One? More like ______(sillly pun). 🥱 This game is a relic from the 32-bit era that somehow managed to be both forgettable and frustrating. Let’s break it down:

  1. Graphics and Animation: Imagine a pixelated fever dream. The sprites and 2D graphics are like a Picasso painting after a few too many drinks. But hey, at least they’ve aged better than most PS1 RPGs! 🎨

  2. Story and Characters: ______and ______ star in this snoozefest. The plot starts with a Robin Hood-esque mission to steal from a corrupt mayor. Riveting, right? 🙄 As it unfolds, you’ll encounter more clichés than a Hallmark movie marathon.

  3. Side Quests: Ah, the side quests—the true test of patience. They’re like trying to untangle earphones in the dark. Annoying, infuriating, and ultimately pointless. 🙅‍♂️

In summary, ___________ is the gaming equivalent of lukewarm oatmeal. It’s not evil, just bland. Save your time and play something else—like watching paint dry.

What is Breath of Fire III?

(BoF III, Breath of Yawn III, Ryu and Nina, BoFIII)


Title: “________ Catastrophe: A Meltdown of Mediocrity”

____________ is like a blindfolded tightrope walk across a pit of molasses. It stumbles, flails, and ultimately faceplants into the abyss of disappointment. Here’s why:

  1. Plot Holes Galore: The story is a convoluted mess. Imagine a soap opera written by a caffeinated squirrel – that’s ___________. Characters switch allegiances faster than a politician during election season. And don’t get me started on the supernatural nonsense. Aliens? Ghosts? Time-traveling llamas? Who knows?

  2. Button-Mashing Ballet: The controls are a symphony of frustration. Want to pick up a cup? Prepare for a 12-button combo. Miss one, and your character does the Macarena instead. It’s like the game secretly hates you.

  3. Graphics from the Abyss: The PS2’s hardware cries itself to sleep every time you boot up ______________. Blocky characters, pixelated textures, and animations that make crash test dummies look lifelike. Bravo!

  4. Voice Acting: A Descent into Despair: The voice actors sound like they’re reading their lines at gunpoint. Lukas, our protagonist, emotes like a damp sock. And the villain? Picture a constipated walrus reciting Shakespeare.

  5. Finale: The Great WTF Moment: The climax is a cosmic joke. You’ll face off against an ancient evil in a dance-off. Yes, you read that right. Breakdancing saves the world. I weep for humanity.

In summary, _____________ is the gaming equivalent of a soggy sandwich left out in the rain. Avoid it like a plague of locusts. 

Final Score: 0/10 – Would rather play Pong with a blindfold.

What is Indigo Prophecy? 

(Indigo, Indigo Prophecy, Indigo Prophecy, Indigo Prophecy, Indigo Prophecy)


______________—a game that stumbles like a drunken assassin. 🕊️

  1. Plot Overload: ______ crammed more layers into this narrative than a Byzantine lasagna. _______ and _____'s final adventures? Check. Political intrigue? Check. Romance? Check (though _______'s idea of wooing involves frequent stabbings). 🗡️💔

  2. Side Quest Déjà Vu: Remember those side missions from the previous game? Well, they’re back—like a bad omen. Same old fetch quests, tailing targets, and eavesdropping. It’s like déjà vu with _____________. 🙄

  3. Graphics: Faces look better, but the environments? Imagine a Renaissance painting left out in the rain. _________(Classic city) deserves better. 🏛️

  4. Voice Acting: Solid, but ______ constant throat-clearing during romantic moments? Not exactly swoon-worthy. 🤦‍♂️

In summary, ____________ is like a worn-out _______(game job): past their prime, stumbling through the shadows, and leaving players wondering if they should’ve retired gracefully.

What is Assassin’s Creed Revelations?

(Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Ubisoft, Ezio and Altair’s, Ezio's, hidden blades, Constantinople, Ezio’s, Revelations, assassin)


Title: “Nostalgia, Meet Disappointment”

The ________________ for PS2 is a time capsule of frustration. While it promises a trip down memory lane, it delivers more like a detour into mediocrity. The Good? Well, there’s an “excellent selection” of _______ hits, but that’s where the positivity ends.

The Bad:

  1. Load Times: The ___________ games suffer from jarring load times. Waiting feels longer than a _________ match.
  2. Control Concessions: ___________ wonky controls (R1 for fire? Seriously?) make it less smooth than a rusty joystick.
  3. Déjà Vu: _________________ and _____________ —essentially the same game. __________, creativity called; it wants its quarter back.

Final Verdict: 0/10 Save your coins. This (Game) is like finding a scratched arcade token: disappointing and not worth the nostalgia.

What is Capcom Classics Collections? (Title must be correct C.J!)

(Capcom, Street Fighter, Ryu vs Ken, Forgotten Worlds', Street Fighter II, II: Championship Edition, and II: Hyper Fighting, Capcom)


This game is a prehistoric disappointment. Imagine a side-scrolling adventure where _________ and ___________ move like they’re dragging their feet through tar pits. The controls? As responsive as a petrified tree stump. And the enemies? Well, they’re about as threatening as a dodo bird with a limp.

The graphics? Let’s just say they make cave paintings look high-def. The characters resemble pixelated blobs, and the backgrounds? Oh, they’re a delightful mix of beige and brown – perfect for inducing sleep.

The gameplay? A thrilling blend of monotony and mediocrity. ________ and _______ shuffle across the screen, occasionally whacking enemies with a wooden club. Yawn. The levels? Repetitive as a broken record. And don’t get me started on the mini-games – they’re like playing tic-tac-toe against a sloth.

In summary, _____________ is a fossilized relic best left buried in the gaming graveyard. Save your prehistoric brain cells and go hunt mammoths instead.

What is The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock? (Yes, you need the correct, whole title C.J.!)

(Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble, Fred and Barney, “The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock”)


Ah, __________ for the PlayStation – a game that makes you yearn for ___________(creature) bites just to escape its clutches.

Let’s start with the graphics. Imagine a Picasso painting, but instead of abstract beauty, it’s a pixelated mess. ________ through New York City, and it feels like (they are) navigating a maze of cardboard cutouts. The buildings? As detailed as a preschooler’s crayon doodles.

Controls? Well, they’re about as intuitive as deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Want to ______? Good luck – it’s like trying to teach a T. rex ballet. Combat? More awkward than a giraffe doing the limbo. And don’t get me started on the camera – it’s like it’s possessed by a caffeine-addicted squirrel.

The story? A convoluted mess. _________ evil plan involves stealing power sources. Riveting, right? But wait, there’s more! ________ and __________ and other forgettable villains join the party. It’s like a B-list supervillain convention.

Voice acting? Picture a monotone robot reading Shakespeare – that’s the level of emotion we’re dealing with. And the dialogue? It’s as thrilling as watching paint dry on _________'s tombstone.

In summary, _____________ is the gaming equivalent of stepping on a LEGO barefoot. Save your sanity – swing away from this disaster.

What is Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro?

(Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, radioactive spider, Spidey swings, swing, Electro, Sandman, Hammerhead, Sandman, Hammerhead, Uncle Ben's, Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro)


Ah, ___________ for the PlayStation 2 – a game that stumbled off the cybernetic assembly line and face-planted into mediocrity.

Let’s start with the visuals. Imagine a PowerPoint presentation on “Bland Military Aesthetics.” The graphics? As inspiring as a beige cubicle wall. The environments? A thrilling mix of generic warehouses, abandoned factories, and more gray corridors than a bureaucratic labyrinth.

Controls? Well, they’re about as responsive as a snail on a treadmill. Want to shoot? Prepare for finger gymnastics – it’s like playing Twister with your thumbs. And the AI? Dumber than a malfunctioning toaster. Enemies charge at you like caffeinated sloths, and their battle cries? More cringe-worthy than a dad joke at a funeral.

Story? Brace yourself for clichés. You’re ____________(or was it Generic McShooty?), a cybernetic supersoldier. The plot? A yawn-inducing cocktail of conspiracy, betrayal, and predictable twists. Oh, and the failed spinoff part? It’s like trying to spin gold from rusty scrap metal – no __________ magic here.

In summary, ___________ is the gaming equivalent of reheated leftovers – bland, forgettable, and destined for the clearance bin. Save your sanity and play Pong instead. At least Pong has character.

What is Project: Snowblind?

(Project: Snowblind, Alex D. Mercer (and yes, the AI actually had that bracket of Generic McShooty), Deus Ex, Project: Snowblind )


Ah, __________, the gaming equivalent of a medieval root canal. Picture this: you’re trapped in a monotonous loop of recycled architecture, like a hamster on a broken wheel. 

The plot? A convoluted mess that makes a pretzel look like a straight line. And let’s not forget the combat—it’s like trying to juggle flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. But wait, there’s more! 

The characters? About as memorable as yesterday’s grocery list. And the ending? A cliffhanger that leaves you hanging like a forgotten sock on a laundry line. In summary, ___________ is the gaming equivalent of stepping on a D4 die: painful, confusing, and utterly forgettable.

What is Dragon Age 2?

(Dragon Age 2)


(HINT: This is a PC Game)

Ah, ___________________—a game that stumbles like a detective in roller skates. 

Let’s start with the plot: __________, our amateur sleuth, gets called in to solve a high school murder. But wait, the school is eerily empty—like a ghost town with a chalkboard. 

The characters? Well, they’re flatter than a pancake at a diet convention. Connie, Hal, and Hulk (yes, Hulk) are high school stereotypes with secrets. Daryl’s backstory got a makeover, but he’s still about as exciting as beige wallpaper. 

Now, the graphics! Imagine a '90s PowerPoint presentation on a bad acid trip. The 3D characters move like they’re auditioning for a mime school. And the backgrounds? Let’s just say they’re less appealing than cafeteria mystery meat. 

Puzzles? They’re like Sudoku for toddlers. “Find the missing sock!” “Decode Braille!” “Unmask the cafeteria meatloaf!” Riveting stuff. 

In summary, ______________ is like reheated leftovers—nostalgic but bland. If you want a challenge or a plot thicker than cafeteria gravy, look elsewhere. 🙅‍♀️🍛

Final rating: 0 out of 10. ________, maybe stick to solving crossword puzzles next time.

What is Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered?

(Nancy Drew: Secrets Can Kill Remastered, Nancy Drew, Secrets Can Kill Remastered, Nancy)
