"Let me talk to you, let me buy you a drank" -Tuba City, AZ
Navajo T-Pain
What does AIBL stand for?
American Indigenous Business Leaders
What is the native Nike brand?
Nike N7
Who is the President of FLC?
Tom Stritty
Lets go then
Sko Den
Founder of Nike N7
Sam McCracken
Who is the President of AIBL Fort Lewis?
Buffalo Soaps from Taos
Bison Star
Who is the mascot of Fort Lewis?
Skylar the Skyhawl
When you really agree
"I'm more of your unknown warrior, AH AH AH"
"William Knifeman" Dallas Goldtooth
Where is the AIBL National Conference for 2023?
Las Vegas, NV
"You're on Native Land"
Urban Native Era
When was FLC founded?
Lets do this
Oceanspray Cranberry Juice & Fleetwood Mac
Who's AIBL Fort Lewis's faculty advisors?
Dr. Claw and Dr. Valdez
Native clothing by Steven Paul Judd
Who is the Dean of the School of Business Administration?
A natives favorite letter?
Gary Davis
Where did AIBL originate from and who is AIBL FLC"s rival?
Montana State
Pendleton but actually native. Inspired Natives not Native Inspired.
Eighth Generation
Where was FLC before?
Hesperus aka The Old Fort
let's go do this then