AIMS/ strengths and weaknesses
Procedure/ Results

What is one Aim of the Albert Bandura aggression study?

To investigate how children learn aggression


What was good about the instructions given in the Andrade study?

They were all told the same thing in each group. Either to shade in the squares and circles and were told it was to relieve boredom. This was great because it disguised the true purpose getting better results and was consistent.


Give an example of how they imitated physical aggression in the Bandura study

Hitting bobo with a mallet, bunching or kicking it, tossing bobo. Really any negative physical contact with bobo


What is the procedure for the Dement and Kleitman study?

 Participants were woke at either 5 or 15 minutes after the onset of REM; They were then asked to choose if they had been dreaming for 5 or 15 minutes


What area of the brain does the Canli study focus on?



What was the Aim of the Milgram study?

To investigate how obedient individuals would be to orders received from a person in authority.


What are a few ethical things that must be done in each study since the development of the ethical guidlines?

You must have accurate informed consent. They need to know the real potential side effects. The need to have the right to withdraw and any point in the study without and repercussions. They need to be debriefed and told everything about the study after the study. They should be monitored to see if there are any side effects after the study. Privacy of the participants is extremely important and their responses and reactions should have some level of confidentiality. Deception should be avoided. Harm should be avoided. A lot of ethical guidelines with animal studies including number or animals, species, strain, housing, ect.


Give an example and define what the Biological approach consists of.

The biological approach assumes that emotions, behavior and cognition are controlled by biological systems and processes, such as evolution, genes, the nervous systems and hormones. It also can be investigated by manipulating and measuring biological responses, such as eye movements, brain activity and pulse rate. The example would be the Canli study which focused on the role of the brain in our memory with behavior and experiences. 

In the procedure for the Canli study how do the measure their emotional arousal to the scenes?

It ranges from 0-3 with 0= not emotionally intense 3= extremely emotionally intense


What type of sleep is measured in the Dement and Klietman study?



What is one aim from the Baron-Cohen study

To test theory of mind


What does AQ stand for in the Baron-Cohen study?

Autism Spectrum Quotient


What was the benefit of imagery exposure therapy in the Saavedra and silverman study?

It allowed for the participant to reduce his distress with his fear of buttons


What is the conclusion of the Canli study?

The amygdala affects memory


with the Pepperberg study, what 2 colours could alex the parrot name BEFORE THE STUDY?

Rose/red, grey, green, blue, yellow


What is one strength of the Laney study?

it was standardised environment and the participants were all given the same questionnaire in each condition.


What was in the injections in some of the participants in the Schacter and Singer study?



What is one way they operationalised the names in the doodling study?

Names that were similar enough that it may have been misheard were accepted like Craig for Greg but descriptors like sister were not accepted.


In the procedure why was it important for Alex the parrot to be tested with people other than his normal researcher?

it eliminated researcher bias


What are the 2 independent variables from the Schachter and Singer study?

Placebo and injection as well as the emotional situation (anger or euphoria)


What is one weakness of the Canli study

The brain scans were not the best representation of real life situations. People act differently in that environment than they do outside of it. It would cause anxiety which would alter the scan.


In the canli study 10 right handed healthy females were chosen, what is a weakness about this sample?

there is a small number and it does not consider males


What is an example of the misinformation with the placebo given to the participants in the Schacter and Singer study?

They would experience a shake in the hand, heart to pound, their face would get warm and flush.


In the Laney study, there were 128 undergrads from the University of California with 99 females and 29 males. What is a weakness in this sample?

There is not an equal male to female ratio


What type of Parrot was alex?

African Grey Parrot
