Laws and Compromises
War and Violence
Political Parties and Elections

What name is given to people who not only want to stop slavery from expanding but would like to see it outlawed altogether?



This was an agreement made in 1820 that said everything above the 36'30" parallel would be a free state and everything below it could a slave state.

The Missouri Compromise


What event that took place from 1846 to 1848 is considered to be a cause of the Civil War?

The Mexican American War


Who won the election of 1860?

Abraham Lincoln


This book, published in 1852, did much to encourage the abolitionist movement.

Uncle Tom's Cabin


What is sectionalism?

Loyalty to a particular region/section of the US (North or South) rather than loyalty to the country as whole.


California gets admitted as a free state.

Slave trade abolished in Washington DC

Stricter fugitive slave law.

UT and NM vote on the issue of slavery.

All these are components of which agreement?

The Compromise of 1850


Why is the Mexican American War considered to be a cause of the Civil War?

The dispute of whether the acquired territory would be free or slave increased sectional tensions.


Before winning the presidency, Lincoln made a name for himself by debating this man during the 1858 Illinois senatorial race.

Stephen Douglas


This man was a radical abolitionist who use violence to push his anti-slavery views. He was eventually put to death in 1859.

John Brown


What popular concept of the 19th century encouraged Americans to acquire more territory and expand westward to the Pacific?

Manifest Destiny

What was the main reason Northerners found the Fugitive Slave Act objectionable?

It forced them to participate in the slave trade by requiring them to report fugitive slaves under penalty of law


What nickname was given to Kansas after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Bleeding Kansas or Bloody Kansas


This concept, used in the Kansas Nebraska act and the Compromise of 1850, said a state could determine for itself whether it would be a free state or a slave state by voting.

Popular Sovereignty

This was the site of the failed attempt to start a slave uprising in Virginia in 1859.

Harper's Ferry, VA


Which territory won independence from Mexico before eventually being annexed by the United States in 1845?

The Republic of Texas


The slave states had always had fewer citizens than most free states. What 1787 agreement gave slave states more representation in Congress?

The Three-Fifths Compromise


Why did John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry increase sectional tensions in the US?

The North celebrated him as a martyr. The South considered him a domestic terrorist.


What was the main characteristic of the Republican party platform in the 1850s?

To stop the extension of slavery.

The Fugitive Slave Act was passed partly in response to what organized system that helped slaves escape into the North?

The Underground Railroad


This is a tax on imported goods. Northern manufacturers supported this tax, while Southern exporters felt it made it more difficult to sell overseas.



The Dred Scott Supreme Court decision ruled that a slave that enters a free state does not become free. What was the most controversial part of the ruling, however?

It said that all states are slave states, as the government does not have the power to take away you property wherever you are.


What agreement ended the Mexican American War, saying the the US would pay $15 million for the territories of California, New Mexico and Utah?

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


In 1854, the Republican party was formed, and would replace what other main party as challenger to the Democrats?

The Whig Party


What did Lincoln say about the future of slavery that caused Southerners to mistrust him when he won the presidential election?

If we keep slavery where it already exists, it will eventually die away.


As tensions rose between the North and the South, Southern states began to discuss this, which was the act leaving the union of states?



While it never passed, what was the proposal that attempted to make all territory in the Mexican-American War closed to slavery?

The Wilmot Proviso


This was the name given to those who crossed into Kansas from neighboring Missouri, which was a pro-slavery state. The name implies they caused violence.

Border ruffians


Why did Douglas's Freeport Doctrine cause him to lose support with the strongest supporters of slavery?

It rejected the Dred Scott Decision and put power in the hands of the states to decide whether a state would be free or slave.


Who led a slave rebellion in 1831 that was eventually put down but did much to strike fear in the hearts of the Southern white population?

Nat Turner
