What is genre?
a way of categorizing media texts
What does narrative focus on?
Narrative focuses on how the story was structured.
What does representation focus on?
The way individuals, groups, and events are portrayed to audiences.
The structure and development of a story
The protagonist of the story- the action revolves around them
The hero
What can genre categorize?
TV, radio, magazines, newspaper, video games, and music
What is a linear narrative?
A story when events happen in chronological order and follows a 'cause and effect' structure.
How does media play a role in the construction of representations?
By shaping the audience's understanding of social, class, gender, ethnicity, body image, size, age, sexuality, regions, nations, and disabilities.
A representation of a social group, individual, event, region, or nation which challenges initial and accepted stereotypes.
Counter stereotype
The antagonist of the story- the character who actively opposes the protagonist
The villain
Why do media texts use conventions?
Media texts use conventions so that a text is easily recognizable as belonging to a particular genre.
What is a non linear narrative?
A story that is disrupted and will include flash forwards and flash backs.
What does media have the ability to do?
To influence the audience's thinking and attitude about the different groups.
The character who aids or accompanies the protagonist
The helper
Why do audiences expect generic texts?
Generic texts meet their expectations and deliver familiar pleasures
What can narrative conflict be structured as?
Binary oppositions
What is the difference between a stereotype and a counterstereotype?
Stereotype - a representation of individuals and groups of people which rely on exaggerated characteristics
Counterstereotypes - a representation of a social group or individual which challenges the initial and accepted stereotype
The editing of media textx before they reach an audience
The character who sends the protagonist on their quest/journey.
The dispatcher
What does genre hybridity allow producers to do?
It allows them to maximize their target audience because fusing conventions of different genres will appeal to different demographics.
What is a liberal?
A liberal celebrates individualism and being open to new and progressive ideas.
Why do media producers actively choose how to create images?
To construct a preferred/dominant reading
Time is disrupted by cutting to a scene in the past
A character who is not initially set up as a villain but who attempts to prevent the protagonist from prevailing
The false hero