What are 3 sampling methods?
1. Volunteer sampling
2. Opportunity sampling
3. Random sampling
Experimental condition
One or more situations in an experiment which represents different levels of the IV and are compared
What is the aim of the Andrade study?
Whether doodling assisted in processing information, perhaps by enabling people to attend more effectively or by enhancing their memory.
Demand characteristics
Features of the experimental situation that give away the aims. This can cause participants to try and change their behavior, for example, to match their beliefs about what is supposed to happen, which reduces the validity of the study.
What Approach did Milgram use?
Controlled Observation Method
What is inform consent?
Knowing enough about a study to decide whether you want to agree to participate.
These extraneous variables are related to individual characteristics of each participant that may impact how he or she responds.
What psychology is being investigated in the Baron-Cohen study?
- Theory of Mind
- Psychometric Testing
- Validity: Is it really testing Theory of Mind?
Primary task
The activity we are supposed to be concentrating on, even though we may be doing something else as well
What social Approach did Pavilions Approach show?
when in a closed area individuals tend not to diffuse responsibility and that the more people there were present when the incident occurred, the more people went to help the victim
What are 2 techniques that self-reports use?
1. Questionnaire
2. Interview
Pull names out of hat. Participants randomly allocated to either condition.
What are the strengths of the Cognitive Approach?
-Often uses scientific methodology with a manipulated IV and measured DV
-Helps us understand the mind, which is central to learning human behavior
-Studies phenomena such as problem solving, language and memory which are key to human existence
Null hypothesis
A testable statement saying that any difference or correlation in the results is due to chance, that is, no pattern in the results has arisen because of the variables being studied.
Describe the sample size of the Piliavin study?
The sample size is approximately 4500 passengers in a New York train station.
What is an independent variable?
It something that is under investigation in an experiment which is manipulated and is responsible for changes in the dependent variable.
Matched Pairs Design
Participants match into pairs in such ways to be important to the study.
Ethics Andrade
-Unable to give full consent
-Deception in a small way
-Reassured that quality of doodling wouldn't be judged
(Must Say one)
Theory Of Mind
A cognitive ability that enables one person to comprehend that other people have separate feelings, beliefs,knowledge and desires that can be different from their own. It enables one person to detect the emotional state of another person.
What is the aim of the Milgram study?
To investigate how obedient individuals would be to orders received from a person in authority. The conducted this in the lab of Yale University where they got the 40 men and tested them on whether they will be obedient towards the one in authority or follow their conscious.
What are 3 experimental designs?
1. Independent measures
2. Repeated measures
3. Matched pairs
Closed Questionnaire
A fixed set a possible responses.
Describe the sample used in the Andrade study?
40 members of a participant panel at the Medical Research Council unit for cognitive research. Age 18 - 55.
Pilot study
A small-scale test of the procedure of a study before the main study is conducted. It aims to ensure that the procedure and materials are valid and reliable so that they can be adapted.
One of the conclusions of the Milgram study?
That concluded that individuals are much more obedient to authority than we might reasonably expect. This seems to be true for the majority of people.