How many universities across Canada is AIESEC present in?
25 universities
What does LC stand for?
Local committee
What products do AIESEC offer?
global talent, global teacher, global volunteer
How do aiesecers clap?
Which member’s family all have different last names?
When was AIESEC founded?
Bonus 25 pts: When was AIESEC Canada founded?
1948, 1958
What does MC stand for?
membership committee
How many countries is AIESEC located in?
What was the purpose of AIESEC?
Building cross-cultural understanding across nations
Which portfolio’s member has an identical twin?
How many individuals got together to create AIESEC, and when?
7 youth after WWII
What does EP stand for?
Exchange participant
where is aiesec headquarters
What is the team structure within an LC?
LCP, LCVP, Team leader, Member
Which portfolio has a member that lived in Jamaica before?
What does AIESEC stand for?
Association internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques et commerciales // International Association of Economics and Business
What does IXP stand for?
integrated experience
what's the first LC to open in canada?
aiesec in mcgill
What are 2 of AIESECs values?
striving for excellence, demonstrating integrity, activating leadership, enjoying participating, living diversity, acting sustainably
Which portfolio’s member has a pet turtle?
What is one of the 7 founding countries of aiesec
belgium, denmark, finland, france, netherlands, norway, and sweden
What does EwA stand for?
Engage with aiesec
What is the ep cycle?
What is AIESEC in Toronto's cheer? (Entire team needs to cheer, 2 chances)
Aiesec in Toronto cheer
What was our guest speaker’s role on the MC?