followers of this science believed a vital force coursed through all living things in the form of a current.
What is animal magnetism?
Darl travels by train to a mental hospital located in this city.
What is Jackson?
the amount of days it takes to bury Addie.
What is 9?
Addy's malady.
What is 'loss of sense of community'?
the definition of a heroic act.
What is 'violates common sense' and 'fosters a dogmatic belief'?
a literary term that involves a word or phrase open to two interpretations - one of which is usually indecent.
What is a double-entendre?
historical female physician who advocated for birth control, was arrested, tried, and found guilty for disseminating information related to contraception.
Who is Margaret Sanger?
the year AILD was published.
What is 1930?
the three characteristics of the typical Faulkner female character.
What is practical, concrete and immediate?
the reason behind Cash and Jewel's status of hero.
What is 'Cashes' suffering' and Jewel's 'brave actions'?
a literary style that presents a character's random flow of thoughts as they arise.
What is stream of consciousness?
the Bundren family burial ground is located in this town.
What is New Hope?
the amount of times Darl narrates.
What is 19?
fulfills the role of the critic of the action.
Who is Darl?
why the Bundrens' heroism is considered remarkable.
What is 'springs from an unlikely place' and 'unaware their feat is remarkable'?
a term used to describe ideas that come from within one's inner being rather than from societal conditioning.
What is authentic?
the name of the place Addie requests to be buried.
What is Jefferson?
the amount of money Lafe gives to Dewey Dell to pay for an abortion.
What is $10?
the primary question readers must encounter and attempt to answer. [exact]
What is "Why do the Bundrens carry out their strange and difficult task?"
Faulkner's main concern in all his books.
What is what a man can endure, dare and accomplish?
the mental process by which one word or image may spontaneously suggest another without any apparent connection.
What is free association?
a Swiss psychiatrist known for developing a technique that required patients to react to a word or image without thought.
Who is Carl Jung?
twenty-eight foot, four and a half inches
What is the distance Cash fell from the church roof?
the two arguments that the Bundren children are alone in making the journey to Jefferson.
What is 'each is shut within his/her consciousness' and 'each is unable to communicate with the others"
the three contrasting tones of Faulkner's text.
What is the grotesque/heroic, comic/pathetic, and pity/terror?