Point of View
Text Structure
Literary Elements

I really like to play football. I really like to play basketball.

Turn these two simple sentences into a compound sentence with a conjunction.

I really like to play football, and I really like to play basketball.


I couldn't tell what she was saying, it was much too noisy in the cafeteria. I motioned to her that we should go outside so that we could talk easier. As we got out of our seats, Jenny suddenly fell down! The entire cafeteria seemed to suddenly be silent as everyone turned and stared at her. I felt bad for Jenny, and as I helped her up I could tell she felt bad too.

What is the point of view used in this passage?

First Person


Moths and butterflies are very similar creatures. They both have wings and drink nectar from flowers. Moths and butterflies also go through the same stages when changing from a caterpillar. The biggest difference though, is that butterflies are active during the day while moths are active at night.

What type of text structure is this?

A) Compare and Contrast

B) Problem and Solution

C) Cause and Effect

D) Chronological

A) Compare and Contrast


John and Amy were best friends, but John had a secret from Amy. Her birthday was today and she had no idea what he had planned for her. Their tickets were bought, their jerseys were washed, and money for tolls was in a jar in the back seat.

Where are John and Amy going for her birthday? How are they getting there?

To a sports game.

They are getting there by car.


Eli, Ka'mari, and Dalton walked into the movie theater together, each one excited to see the new movie. The smell of popcorn and salt filled the air, and the sound of movies playing in the various theaters could be heard. "I hope we're not late," Dalton said, " that would be annoying." "Yeah this concession line is really long," replied Eli. Ka'mari shook his head in disgust, "I can't stand the smell of butter", he stated.

Which of the following sentences does not describe this setting?

A) The smell of popcorn and salt filled the air.

B) The sound of movies playing in the various theaters could be heard.

C)"I hope we're not late," Dalton said, " that would be annoying."

D) "Yeah this concession line is really long," replied Eli.

C)"I hope we're not late," Dalton said, " that would be annoying."


What is wrong with you? my teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug.

Which of the following is the correct way this sentence should be written?

A) What is wrong with you" my teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug.

B) "What is wrong with you? My teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug."

C) "What is wrong with you?" My teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug.

D) "What is wrong with you"? my teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug.

C) "What is wrong with you?" My teacher shouted at me after I ate a bug.


Lenny was shocked to find his video-games, television, and PS4 gone from his room. "Who could have done this?" He thought. A moment later his mother busts into the room shouting, "I told you what would happen if you brought home bad grades on your report card!"

Determine which point of view is used in this passage.

Third Person


If you have ever been outside, you have probably noticed how bright and distracting the sun can be. It can be very difficult trying to have fun or even see where you are going when the sun is out in full force. This can be a huge issue if you are driving or already have trouble seeing. Luckily there is something that can help! Buying a pair of sunglasses can greatly reduce the brightness of the sun and prevent it from hurting your ability to see.

What type of text structure is this?

A) Compare and Contrast

B) Problem and Solution

C) Cause and Effect

D) Chronological

B) Problem and Solution


Bears have very sharp claws and teeth that are excellent for catching their food. Their huge size and tremendous strength also make them tough foes to fight. If you encounter a bear, you should definitely stay away.

What can we infer about bears?

A) Bears are fun and cuddly creatures.

B) Bears are dangerous and powerful hunters.

C) Bears are strong.

D) Bears should removed from forests.

B) Bears are dangerous and powerful hunters.


Megan sat on the couch and watched as all of the other kids in the neighborhood played outside in the street. "Hmp, bunch of noisy hooligans", she stated to her best friend, Mr. Kitty. Mr. Kitty was her cat and they both loved sitting on the couch and relaxing in peace.

How would you describe Megan's character?

A) Megan enjoys being alone, loves cats, and is happy relaxing in the quiet.

B) Megan loves to play outside with his friends, hates the quiet, and is a dog person.

C) Megan loves cats, enjoys the quiet, and is very friendly to the neighborhood kids.

D) Megan enjoys being alone, hates cats, and is happy relaxing in the quiet.

A) Megan enjoys being alone, loves cats, and is happy relaxing in the quiet.


why would you do that" my mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken leaking vase i had just knocked over. 

Which of the following is the correct way this sentence should be written?

A) "why would you do that" my mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken leaking vase I had just knocked over. 

B) "Why would you do that" my mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken leaking vase i had just knocked over. 

C) "Why would you do that?" My mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken, leaking vase I had just knocked over. 

D) "Why would you do that?" my mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken leaking vase I had just knocked over. 

 "Why would you do that?" My mom asked. I saw her looking at the broken, leaking vase I had just knocked over.


"I don't know what to do Jessica," Harry explained to me, "It all happened so fast, and now my dad is mad at me." I looked over at Harry, ready to explain to him that this was not my problem, but then I noticed tears welling up in his eyes and decided against it. "What do you think I should do?" Harry asked.

Who is the narrator, and what point of view is used in the passage?

Jessica is the narrator.

First person point of view.


During a basketball game, players sometimes illegally come in contract with their opponent. Then this happens, the result is a foul. If a foul occurs while the player is trying to shoot the ball, the game is stopped, and the fouled player gets to shoot "free throws" from a special line on the court. If the player who was fouled made the original shot, he or she only gets to make one free throw.

What type of text structure is this?

A) Compare and Contrast

B) Problem and Solution

C) Cause and Effect

D) Chronological

C) Cause and Effect


Rachel climbed under the covers and got out her flashlight. She snuck out her book and began to read. Before she knew it, the clock read 11 pm! As she heard her mom walking toward her room, she quickly turned off her light and pretended to snore.

Is Rachel enjoying her book? How do you know?


1) She stayed up past her bed time to read the book.

2) She risked getting in trouble so she could continue reading.


Pick the correct order in which the plot of story is usually structured.

A) Introduction - Falling Action - Climax - Rising Action - Resolution

B) Resolution - Rising Action - Falling Action - Climax - Introduction

C) Introduction - Rising Action - Climax - Falling Action - Resolution

D) Rising Action - Introduction - Climax - Falling Action - Resolution

C) Introduction - Rising Action - Climax - Falling Action - Resolution


I be here, my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "please take a seet rodney, we am already beginning, Mrs. Fettrow replied.

Which of the following is the correct way this sentence should be written?

A) "I am here," my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "Please take a seat Rodney, we are already beginning", Mrs. Fettrow replied.

B) I am here, my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "please take a seet Rodney, we am already beginning", Mrs. Fettrow replied.

C) "I be here", my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "Please take a seat Rodney, we am already beginning", Mrs. Fettrow replied.

D) "I be here", my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "Please take a seat Rodney, we are already beginning", Mrs. Fettrow replied.

A) "I am here," my friend announced to the class as he entered the room. "Please take a seat Rodney, we are already beginning", Mrs. Fettrow replied.


Dr. James Naismith is known as the inventor of basketball. He invented the game in 1891 for students at a school in Massachusetts. The first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets as goals. It gained popularity and was eventually being played at schools all over the United States. By 1893, just two years after the first game was played, basketball was gaining popularity in other countries! Basketball was introduced at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Today, basketball is one of the world's most popular sports.

What type of text structure is this?

A) Compare and Contrast

B) Problem and Solution

C) Cause and Effect

D) Chronological

D) Chronological


Jennifer stood in the middle of the living room, her anger obvious. In the center of the room next to the couch her favorite lamp was smashed to pieces. She noticed that the window looking out onto the neighborhood street was also broken, and that it seemed as if someone had crawled through it and then back out. It also appeared as if a small ball had rolled across the room, judging by the dirt trail it had left behind. Jennifer knew some of the neighborhood kids loved playing baseball after school.

What happened to Jennifer's lamp and window? How do you know?

A neighborhood kid hit a baseball through the window and broke the lamp. Then they crawled in through the window to get the baseball back.

1. The window looking out into the neighborhood is broken.

2. The lamp is broken and a dirt trail belonging to a small ball is next to it.

3. Jennifer knows the neighborhood kids play baseball in the street after school.

4. Footprints in the dirt and on the window sill show that someone entered the house and then left again.


It had finally happened, just as people had been predicting for thousands of years. Aliens have invaded Earth! Many of the world's nations have been defeated, and the remaining ones have joined together to face this extraterrestrial threat. One final battle to see who would take control of the Earth, and this was it. The armies of Earth met the armies of the aliens in a battle that lasted for weeks, with both sides struggling to beat the other. Finally, the armies of Earth were triumphant and the aliens defeated! While the world will never be the same after this, at least the alien threat was stopped.

What is the conflict, climax, and resolution of this story?

Conflict - Aliens have invaded Earth.

Climax - The final battle between Earth and the Alien invaders.

Resolution - Earth defeats the alien invaders.


A products barcode identifies it. The thin bars thick bars and white spases are used in a different way for each product

Which of the following is the correct way to write this passage?

A) A product's barcode identifies it. The thin bars thick bars and white spaces are used in a different way for each product.

B) A products barcode identifies it. The thin bars thick bars and white spases are used in a different way for each product.

C) A products' barcode identifies it. The thin bars, thick bars and white spaces are used in a different way for each product

D) A product's barcode identifies it. The thin bars, thick bars, and white spaces are used in a different way for each product.

D) A product's barcode identifies it. The thin bars, thick bars, and white spaces are used in a different way for each product.


"I don't know what to do Jessica," Harry explained to me, "It all happened so fast, and now my dad is mad at me." I looked over at Harry, ready to explain to him that this was not my problem, but then I noticed tears welling up in his eyes and decided against it. "What do you think I should do?" Harry asked.

Lenny was shocked to find all of his video-games, television, and PS4 gone from his room. "Who could have done this?" He thought. A moment later his mother busts into the room shouting, "I told you what would happen if you brought home bad grades on your report card!"

Compare and contrast the two passages.

1st Passage

1. Is told in the first person

2. Narrator is a character in the story.

3. Uses key words I, me, my, we when describing the main character.

2nd Passage

1. Is told in the third person

2. Narrator is not a character in the story.

3. Uses key words his and he to describe the main character.

Both Passages

1. Tell the events of the story.

2. Tell you the thoughts and feelings of the main character.


We all know that germs cause illnesses, like the flu. How can we avoid these harmful germs? The Center for Disease Control recommends that you take certain steps to prevent the spread of the flu. First, take the time to get a flu vaccine each year. This is the most important step in protecting against the flu virus. Second, wash your hands often with soap and water. Also, avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose with your hands. Finally, if you are sick, avoid contact with other people. If you take these precautions you won't have to worry about getting sick!

What type of text structure is this?

A) Compare and Contrast

B) Problem and Solution

C) Cause and Effect

D) Chronological

B) Problem and Solution


The strange animal floated quickly across the pond, it's webbed feet propelling it forward. Every now and then it would go under the water before reappearing a minute later. Some of the animal's babies followed behind it, their feathers too soft still for them to dive under the water with their mother.

What animal is the narrator viewing?

A duck.
