where was ainsley born
las vegas, nevada
how long has ainsley been a dancer
9 years
what is ainsley's favorite color
who are some of ainsley's favorite singers
sabrina carpenter, tate mcrae, gracie abrams
what is ainsley's brother's name
what style of dance does ainsley mostly do
what is ainsley's favorite tv show
gossip girl <3
how old was ainsley when she moved from nevada to texas
2 years old
what dance studio does ainsley dance for
boni's dance studio
what is ainsley's favorite movie
how old is ainsley's brother
how long has ainsley danced in the nutcracker production
6 years
what is ainsley's favorite color
what is ainsley's favorite bible verse
John 3:16
what month did ainsley get her pointe shoes
(BONUS if you can guess the day!!)
(bonus: 6th
what is ainsley's favorite store
lululemon, and sephora!!!!
what is ainsley's FAV SONG EVER!!!
idk im indecisive lol (BONUS 500!!)