Drug and Alcohol Education
Physical Wellness
Recovery & Treatment
Childhood Development & Parenting
Co-Occurring Disorders

Dopamine, Serotonin, and Cortisol are all examples of...

What are neurotransmitters?


Doctors recommend that foods high in _________, ___________, and ___________ should be reduced in your diet.

Salt, sugar, simple carbs, cholesterol, trans fat, saturated fat, caffeine.


Name any two alternatives to 12 Step Meetings.

Dharma Recovery, All Recovery, SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, Women for Sobriety


Name four different types of family structures.

Nuclear: Two parents and their children ; Single parents and their children ; Multigenerational: Grandparents, parents, children ; Blended: Step parents and stepsiblings ; Childless: Couples not having children ; Unconventional, also known as ‘chosen’ families


A ‘co-occurring disorder’ is...

A substance use disorder and a mental health disorder combined


Name the three classes of substances and name a substance from each class.

What are depressants (alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines), stimulants (amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, crack, nicotine, caffeine), and psychedelics/hallucinogens (marijuana, PCP, psilocybin)? 


Name four physical health problems that tobacco use can cause.

Lung cancer, emphysema, bronchitis, heart disease, cataracts, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stoke, miscarriage.


HALT and TIPP are two acronyms for stress regulation skills. What do HALT and TIPP stand for?

Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired ; Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Paired muscle relaxation


The primary need of infants is to build a secure ________ with a caregiver.

Attachment or bond


Schizophrenia is a treatable mental disorder primarily characterized by psychosis, or a disconnection from external reality. Two of the most recognizable symptoms of psychosis are ______ and ________.

BONUS: Define what each are.

Hallucinations and delusions

BONUS: Seeing/hearing/feeling sensory stimuli that are not based in reality; perceptions/thoughts/judgements that are not based in reality


What are the three types of triggers (Hint: It is not people, places, and things).

Internal, external, and sensory.


List at least three general symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Fever, chills, burning, pain, itching, discharge, unusual smell, bumps, warts, marks...


List any five unhealthy thinking styles (Hint: DORAL).

Demanding, overgeneralizations, rating, awfulizing, low frustration tolerance, minimizing, all or nothing thinning, jumping to conclusions, labeling, catastrophizing, shoulding and musting ...


Operant conditioning studies demonstrate that the most effective way to encourage or discourage behavior in children is not through positive punishment such as spanking, but through a combination of positive reinforcement and negative punishment. Examples of these are...

Praising children or giving them a reward for good behavior ; taking away privileges for bad behavior


Fill in the blanks of the typical treatment plan.

Problem > ____ > Objective > ___________

Hint: Examples of the final component are CBT, Matrix, and Living in Balance itself.

Goal ; Intervention


What is the physiological cause of withdrawal?

The body wants to remain in homeostasis. A chemical (dopamine) that was once overused becomes depleted and the body produces symptoms opposite of substance use effects.


Develop a SMART Goal relating to diet and exercise.

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time. Ex: I will exercise by doing 50 pushups and 50 situps every day for the month.


What are five warning signs of an upcoming relapse.

Isolation, depression, anxiety, irritability, easily angered, poor eating habits, poor sleeping habits, irregular attendance in treatment and meetings, self-pity, negative thinking, conscious lying, thoughts of using...


There are four recognized ‘parenting styles’, combinations of warmth/acceptance vs cold/unaccepting and high demandingness vs low demandingness. Name any one of these four parenting styles.

Authoritarian (cold and high demandingness) ; Authoritative (warm and high demandingness) ; Permissive (warm and low demandingness) ; Uninvolved (cold and low demandingness)


Once someone has adjusted their brain to expect regular surges in dopamine, the pleasure pathway in the brain creates balance by what Dr. Anna Lembke calls “gremlins on the pain side of the scale”. These ‘gremlins’ camping out on the pain side of the scale leads to one only experiencing the otherwise natural benefits of dopamine if provided with very high dose substances. This is known as a _________ _________ _________.

Dopamine deficit state


Name five of the assessment questions asked when getting diagnosed with a substance use disorder.

1) Sometimes I have used more substances and for longer periods than I meant to. 2) I have tried (or wanted to try) to cut down or control the amount of my alcohol or other drug use. 3) I have spent a great amount of time getting alcohol or other drugs, using them, and recovering from their effects. 4) I have experienced many cravings and urges to use alcohol or other drugs.  5) My home, work, or school life has been negatively affected by my use. 6) Even though my use has caused problems in relationships, I continue to use. 7) Because of my alcohol or other drug use, I have given up or reduced my involvement in important social, occupational, or recreational activities. 8) Despite realizing that my addiction was putting me in danger, I continued to use. 9) Despite realizing that my alcohol or other drug use was causing physical and psychological problems (or making such problems worse), I continued to use. 10) I consistently need more of the substance to get the same effect. 11) I have experienced withdrawal symptoms after stopping my use.


Effectively demonstrate self-advocating skills for medical visits through role-play with group facilitator.



Define the purpose of a relapse prevention plan, and name 10 necessary components to creating one.

A relapse prevention is a cognitive-behavioral approach to recovery with the goal of identifying and addressing warning signs and high-risk situations for relapse and assisting individuals in maintaining desired behavioral changes to maintain their recovery.

  1. Internal triggers (memories, thoughts, emotions)

  2. External triggers (people, places, things)

  3. Sensory triggers

  4. List of support networks (names, numbers, duties, etc.)

  5. Catastrophes (deaths, natural disasters)

  6. Coping skills

  7. Financial literacy / financial troubles

  8. Mental health worsening warning signs (sleep, not taking medications, isolation, etc.)

  9. Inability to speak with sponsor or attend meetings / map and plan for meetings

  10. Actions to take to address each problem

  11. Accountability methods / consequences or changes to be made for addictive behaviors

  12. Exercise and diet planning

  13. Ongoing updates goals for recovery or life


Erikson is a psychologist best known for the Psychosocial Stages of Development. Erikson believed at phases in our life, we are tasked with learning certain lessons and mastering certain values. For instance, between birth and 1.5 yrs old, infants learn trust and hopefully master the value of hope. Describe any other lesson or value people learn at a certain age. BONUS: NAME the skill or value.

1.5 -3 / Autonomy / Will

3 - 6 / Initiative / Purpose

7 - 12 / Industry / Competence

13 - 18 / Identity / Fidelity

18 - 30 / Intimacy / Love

30 - 64 / Generativity / Care

65+ / Integrity / Wisdom


One acronym someone can use to build new relationships with recovery peers through structured conversations is F.O.R.M. With a partner, roleplay a F.O.R.M. conversation, including all 4 points.

