Main Idea
Text Structures
Air Vocabulary
Context Clues
What is the definition of Main Idea?

What the story is MOSTLY about


Give an example of a signal word for text with the Sequence text structure.






Answers will vary


Give the definition of theme

The moral, lesson, or message of a story.


This word means to guess or conclude.



Select the word that means graceful.

Former tennis champion John McEnroe won several Grand Slam titles in the 1980s. Though McEnroe was nicknamed, "Superbrat" for his bad temper, he was hardly clumsy on the court. Instead, he remembered for his speed, agile footwork, and timing.



B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people.


During World War II, the United States needed a way to get messages to soldiers. They wanted a code that the enemy could not understand. One system they used came from the Navajo language. The military asked Navajo soldiers to develop a code based on their language. By remembering a complicated code, the soldiers could send messages that only other U.S. soldiers would understand. Their work helped save lives and win victories.

Which text structure does the text use?

A) Problem/Solution


C) Cause/Effect

D) Compare/Contrast

A) Problem/Solution


A group of sailors set sail on a long voyage. They brought along a monkey to keep them company. After several weeks at sea, there was a terrible storm. The choppy waves tossed around the small ship, and both the sailors and the monkey were thrown into the sea.

A dolphin saw the monkey in the water and rescued him. The dolphin swam to a nearby island, carrying the monkey on her back. When they arrived at the island, the dolphin asked, "Have you been here before?"

The monkey said, "Yes, I have. Actually, I am the king of this island." Of course, that was not true. In fact, no one lived on the island at all.

The dolphin replied, "Good. Then you no longer need me." And she swam off, leaving the monkey stuck on the island.

What is the theme?

A) Boasting and lying can get you into trouble

B) Never trust someone you don't know well.

A) Boasting and lying can get you into trouble


This word means to sum up.



Select the word that means most important.

Most people think that the primary job of their nose is to pick up smells. But did you know your nose has another job? Special cells in the nose and mouth work together to tell you how something tastes.



C. Some beetle species pollinate flower or eliminate garbage.


Mayors and governors are both elected to lead their communities. A mayor is in charge of running a city or town. A governor, on the other hand, is the head of an entire state's government. There are more mayors than governors. There are fifty governors, one for each state. However, there are thousands of towns and thousands of mayors in the United States. As a rule, a governor has more power than a mayor.

What text structure is used?

A) Sequence/Chronological

B) Description

C) Compare/Contrast

D) Cause/Effect

C) Compare and Contrast


Long ago there lived a spider named Anansi who had eight short legs. He was always hungry.

One day he visited Rabbit's house. Rabbit was cooking wonderful-smelling greens. He invited Anansi to stay and eat, but Anansi wanted to try other animals' foods, too. Anansi decided to spin a web and tie his leg to the pot. When the greens were done, Rabbit would tug on the web to tell Anansi to come and eat.

Next, Anansi visited Monkey's home. Monkey was cooking beans. Anansi tied another leg to Monkey's pot. Now Monkey could tug on the web when the beans were ready.

On he went until he had visited eight friends and tied each of his eight legs to eight different pots. Suddenly, he felt a tug on one leg. Then he felt another, and another. Soon all eight legs were being tugged in different directions. Ouch! Anansi finally untied his legs, which were now stretched long and thin. He went home to rest, still hungry. 

What is the theme of the passage?

A) If you wait long enough, you will get what you want

B) If you are greedy, you may end up with nothing

B) If you are greedy, you may end up with nothing.


This word means to quote.



Select the word that means like new.

Comic books decrease in value after they have been damaged. Because of this, collectors store their comics in protective sleeves. These covers help guard against dust and dirt, keeping comics in mint condition.



Look at these details:

- To train for a race, sled dogs run for many hours each day.

-Sled dogs practice pulling a heavy sled so they get used to the weight.

-Sled dogs also practice running on different kinds of ground.

Choose the main idea:

A) Pulling a sled is an important part of sled-dog training.

B) Sled dogs work hard to prepare for a race.

C) Dog sled races can take up to two weeks to complete.

B. Sled dogs work hard to prepare for a race.


What makes you sneeze? Sometimes when dirt or dust enters your nose, it tickles your nose and throat. This causes a release of histamines, a type of chemical. The histamines bother special cells in your nose. The cells send signals to your brain, and as a result your brain tells your body to sneeze. Since a sneeze lets out a fast blast of air, it sends the dirt or dust out of your nose.

Which text structure does the text use?

A) Description

B) Problem/Solution

C) Cause/Effect

D) Sequence

C) Cause/Effect


There once was a clever fox who loved playing tricks. He invited his friend the stork over for dinner one day. When dinner was served, the poor bird saw that the meal was soup served in a flat dish. Try as she might, the stork could not drink the soup with her long, thin beak.

"I'm sorry you aren't enjoying the dinner," the fox said, laughing to himself over his trick.

"Oh, it's no problem at all," the stork said, acting very polite. "You must join me for dinner next time."

Soon the stork invited the fox to her house for dinner. The fox had worked hard all day and was very hungry. But when the stork brought out the food, the fox got a surprise. The dinner was served in tall, narrow jars. With her long beak, the stork had no trouble gobbling up the tasty food. The fox's mouth did not fit in the jar, so he went home hungry.

What is the theme of this text?

A) Expect others to treat you the way you treat them

B) Even though people are different, they can still be friends

A) Expect others to treat you the way you treat them


Give the definition of compare and contrast.

Compare is to find likenesses.

Contrast is to find differences.


Select the word that means very bad.

In Major League Baseball, the 1899 Cleveland Spiders are remembered for their many losses. Their record was dismal 134 losses, 20 wins. In their closing game, the score was 19 to 3. After that loss, the Spiders never played again.



As the daughter of a wealthy Illinois businessman, Jane Addams did not have to worry about money. However, she was concerned about the poor. During a trip to Europe, Addams visited Toynbee Hall, a settlement house in London. Settlement houses were places offering free services to the poor. Inspired by what she saw in London, Addams opened a settlement house of her own in Chicago in 1889. Hull House was one of the first centers of its kind in the United States. It helped many families who had just arrived from Italy, Germany, Russia, and Greece. The center offered classes, child care, food, and help with finding jobs.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A) As a result of her London's Toynbee Hall, Jane Addams founded the first settlement house in Chicago.

B) Hull House was one of the first places in the U.S. to offer free child care, classes, and other services to poor families.

A) As a result of her visit to London's Toynbee Hall, Jane Addams founded the first settlement house in Chicago.


What are the 5 types of text structures?

1. Cause/Effect

2. Description

3. Problem/Solution

4. Sequence/Chronological

5. Compare/Contrast


Once upon a time, a fox was out walking in the woods. He did not see a well in the ground ahead, and he fell right into it. It was too deep for him to climb out. After several hours passed, a goat came walking by. The goat was feeling thirsty and saw the fox in the well.

"How's the water down there?" asked the goat.

"Why, hello, Goat," said the fox. "The water tastes great. Why don't you come in and have a sip?"

The goat jumped into the well and leaned down to start drinking. Quickly, the fox leaped onto the goat's back and used her horns to spring up and out of the well.

"Oh no!" said the goat. "Now I'm stuck down here. Please help me!"

But the fox only said, "That was your mistake." And he ran off into the woods

What is the theme of this text?

A) Think about what could happen before you act

B) The fox thought only of himself

A) Think about what could happen before you act


Give the definition of comprehend.

To understand what you are reading.


Select the word that means given up

Most TV and movie directors have abandoned film cameras and switched to digital cameras. Why? Digital and film footage costs about the same to produce, so it's not to save money. It's because digital footage is easier to edit.

