The types of flight admitted in class Golf airspace
What is VFR?
What is an Alert Area?
The minimum visibility in Delta airspace.
What is 3 statute miles?
Necessary to enter Delta airspace.
What is a two-way radio Communication?
The way class D is indicated.
What are blue dashed lines?
The type of transponder that must be carried when entering class B airspace.
What is ADS-B out?
This is established to temporarily protect areas of high public interest.
What is a temporary flight restriction?
The minimum cloud clearance and visibility required for Class E airspace at 9,000 feet.
What is 3 statute miles visibility, 1,000 above, 500 below, 2,000 horizontal from all clouds?
Airplanes must be equipped with these to enter class C airspace
What is a mode C transponder and a two-way radio
The way Echo airspace is indicated if it extends down to the ground.
What are dashed magenta lines?
Is provided in Echo to IFR traffic, but not specifically mandated to be provided to VFR traffic
What is separation?
Invisible hazards such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles usually are found here.
What is a restricted area?
Cloud clearance requirements for class C Airspace.
What is 1000 feet above, 500 feet below, 2000 feet horizontal?
This is necessary before you enter a Bravo airspace
What is an ATC clearance?
The class of airspace that class D reverts to, when ATC services are not provided (such as when the control tower closes)
What is as depicted (E or G)?
The maximum altitude that class E airspace can extend up to, inclusive.
What is 17,999 ft ASL?
Low flying, fast moving military aircraft use these paths.
What are military training routes?
Minimum visibility and cloud clearance requirements for Class E at 11,000 feet msl.
The protective outer ring of the Class B airspace where a transponder is needed.
What is the Mode C Veil?
Class G is indicated like this on the sectionals.
What are shaded blue lines.
The areas that make up the definition of Class C airspace.
What are the inner ring (5 nautical mile; sfc to 4000 agl) and outer ring (10 nautical mile; no lower than 1200 agl to 4000 agl).
Your participation here is not mandatory. If you do participate ATC can issue you traffic information and vectors.
What is a Terminal RADAR Service Area?
The cloud clearance requirements and visibility for Class G airspace at 11,000 feet msl but below 1,200 feet AGL during the day
What is 1/2 statute miles of visibility and clear of clouds?
The two main, required conditions surrounding radio communication in class C airspace.
What is two-way communication and maintaining a listening watch.
The key vertical areas that make up the definition of class E airspace.
What is srf, 700 AGL, 1200 AGL, 14,500, excluding the airspace less than 1500 feet above the terrain and certain special use airspace.