Rational Numbers
Constant Rates
Rational # Extend
Proportional Relationships

James and his friend both started a part-time job at the Swimming Hole earning $8 per hour. James worked  hours his first week. James agreed to pay his friend  of his salary for reimbursement of gas. How much money did James pay his friend for gas?

What $8.40?


In science class, Dave learned that 1 kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds. Dave created a table to help him convert between kilograms and pounds.

Which equation represents the constant rate of change to determine y kilograms for x pounds?

What is 2.2


There are 30 books on a library shelf.

      Sam noted that


 of the books are non-fiction.

      Dan noted that


of the books are fiction.

      The remaining books are autobiographies.

How many books on this shelf are autobiographies?

What is 7 books?


A standard showerhead dispenses 50 gallons of water in 20 minutes. At this rate, how many gallons of water will a standard showerhead dispense in 5 minutes?

What is 12.5 gallons?


John’s lost 1.44 kilograms after a week of exercise. If 1 kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds, about how many pounds did John lose?

What is 3.168 pounds?


Mr. Abram has 5 flags to hang in his classroom. Each flag has a length of  feet.

What is the total length in feet of the flags Mr. Abram will hang in his classroom?

What is 

46 2/3 feet?


American Black Ducks migrate a great distance every year. A typical bird will travel 2,739 miles in 33 days. How many miles per day can they travel?

What is 83 miles per day?


Animal control picked up 42 animals off the streets last month.

      Dogs made up  of the animals.

      Cats made up  of the animals.

      Horses made up the remainder of the animals.

How many animals picked up last month were horses?

What is 1 horse?


Over a 14-day period, Jamal went to the store 4 times. Based on this information, which statement best describes how many times Jamal will go to the store in a 5-week period?

What is 10 times?


The Houston Marathon is one of the largest marathon events of the year in Texas. In 2014, about 7,000 runners finish a 26.2-mile run around the downtown area of the city. If 1 mile is approximately 1.61 kilometers, about how many kilometers are in 26.2 miles? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

What is 42.18 kilometers?


Sydney went to the store and bought candy that was priced according to the weight in ounces. She purchased  pounds of black licorice,  pounds of red licorice, and  pounds of butterscotch candy. If the candy costs $1.25 per pound, how much did Sydney spend on candy? 

Round to the nearest penny

What is $7.03?


Eric conducted an experiment in his science class and recorded the data below.


What is the constant of proportionality represented by this data?

What is K = 6?


Maya has 120 caramel apples to sell. Each caramel apple is covered with one topping.

  •  of the caramel apples are covered with peanuts.
  •  are covered with chocolate chips.
  •  are covered with coconut.
  • The rest are covered with sprinkles.

How many caramel apples are covered with sprinkles?

What are 20 sprinkles?


A boat traveled 27 miles in 2 hours. At this rate, how many miles will the boat travel in  hour?

What is 6.75 miles her




Luis noticed that on a ruler 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. The diagonal of his computer screen measures 18.5 inches. What is the length of the diagonal of the computer screen in centimeters?

What is 46.99 centimeters?


To complete a planter box project, Mr. Michaels will purchase cedar boards that are 2 inches wide and 8 feet long. He will need to cut down the length of the boards into pieces that are  inches long. How many pieces can Mr. Michaels cut from each 8-foot-long board so he can determine how many he will need to purchase?

What is 72 pieces?


Alicia is using a recipe to make some lemonade. The graph below shows the amount of lemon juice she should add depending on the amount of water she uses.

What is the constant of proportionality that relates the amount lemon juice in cups, y, and the amount of water in quarts, x?

What is



A local store is selling 12 pencils for $4.80. Based on this information, what is the cost of each pencil?

What is $0.48?


Every 2 days a scientist spends 1.25 hours observing dolphins and 3.5 hours observing sea lions. At this rate, how many total hours will the scientist spend observing dolphins and sea lions in 6 days?

What is 12.25 hours?


Timothy and Alondra are cutting strips of poster paper for an art project.

  • Timothy cut 10 strips of poster paper that are each 3 feet 9 inches long.
  • Alondra cut 10 strips of paper that are the same length as Timothy’s strips of paper, but measured them as 114.3 centimeters long.

If Alondra cuts a strip of poster paper that is 220 centimeters long, what is the approximate length of the strip in feet that Timothy will measure?

What is 86.6 inches?


Nicholas has  cups of flour. The recipe for a cake he is making calls for  cups of flour, and he also needs 8 cups of flour for a cookie recipe. How much more flour will Nicholas need to make the cake and cookies?

What is 

6 1/4


The table shows a relationship between x and y.

What is the constant of proportionality, k, which relates the variable y to the variable x?

What is K= 0.75?


  One of the most expensive spices in the world is nutmeg. Nutmeg costs $4.65 per pound. What equation could represent y, the total cost of x pounds of nutmeg?

What is y=4.65x


Mr. Nelson sold 147 bags of popcorn and 216 bottles of water in 3 days. At this rate, how many more bottles of water than bags of popcorn will Mr. Nelson sell in 5 days?

What is 180?


Sandy drinks 12 liters of water every week. There are approximately 19 liters in 5 gallons. What are the number of gallons of water Sandy drinks in 4 weeks? 

round to the nearest hundredth

What is 12.63 gallons?
