AZA History
AZA Structure
BBYO Staff/Board Positions
BBYO Events
Leviticus AZA
What does AZA stand for?
AZA - Aleph Zadik Aleph. Aleph: Ahavah—Brotherly Love Zadik: T’zedakah­--Benevolence Aleph: Achdoos­--Harmony
What is the International Order?
What all of the chapters, regionals, and councils are in. It makes up BBYO
What are the Board Positions and what do they do?
Aleph Godol (President): Leads and represents his chapter, while working with each board member to help accomplish their individual goals. Communicates with chapter advisors and regional staff. Aleph S'gan (Vice-President of Programming): Responsible for running chapter programs that involve at least one of the five folds of programming. Takes on the responsibilities of Godol in his absence. Aleph Moreh (Vice-President of Membership): Coordinates chapter recruitment, retention, and re-education efforts. Aleph Mazkir (Secretary): Communicates with the chapter and region through different mediums and informs chapter members of upcoming events and meetings. Aleph Shaliach (Vice-President of Jewish Heritage): Plans Judaic and holiday programming for the chapter. Aleph Ozer (Vice-President of Community Service/Social Action): Plans community service and social action events and programs for the chapter. Aleph Gizbor (Treasurer): Keeps track of incoming and outgoing chapter funds and plans chapter fundraisers Aleph Rakkaz (Event Coordinator): In CVR, the Rakkaz is on the regional board and is responsible for planning Beau Sweetheart, and AZAA. He is the counterpart of the Ozerim and responsible for community service/social action aspects of regional events and conventions. Aleph Sopher (Publicist): Publishes chapter newsletter or newspaper and manages website if applicable.
What do we do at the end of every BBYO event?
Cheer circles
What is the name and number of our chapter?
Leviticus AZA #2387
Who was the founder of AZA?
Sam Beber
What is a chapter?
The smallest, most specialized group, is the chapter. Every member of AZA belongs to a chapter and every chapter is like a large family. It is in your chapter that you will plan programs and learn the meaning of what it is to be a Brother Aleph.
Who are Advisors?
Volunteers who cares enough about you and the other members of your chapter to give you his time to help AZA and you grow and develop. The advisor's role is to help the chapter whenever he can. He/she helps interpret BBYO policy and, if necessary, guides your chapter in avoiding conflicts with these policies. If you have a problem, your advisor is the person you should turn to first.
What does CLTC stand for?
Chapter Leadership Training Confrence
What is the mascot for Leviticus AZA?
A Llama
Where was the first AZA chapter founded?
Omaha Nebraska
What is the Council?
Some geographically spread regions elect to use this level of organization to be more effective in assisting chapters. These councils may consist of council boards that may or may not have a regional counterpart. An example of this type of structure is in NRE with D.C. Council or Baltimore Council.
Who are Regional Staff?
The regional staff are the people primarily responsible for providing assistance, guidance, and supervision to AZA in your area. They are professionals with strong Jewish backgrounds and experience in working with youth.
What are the names of the regional conventions and what are they known for?
B’Yachad: At the end of the summer, used to set agenda for year and learn valuable skills relating to board position and leadership in general (required of board members) Fall Convention: During November, chapters compete in spirited activities Kallah: During January, inductions are done as well as B'nai Mitzvahs every 4 years Spring Convention: Typically April, Regional board is elected and seniors give life
What are the Leviticus colors?
Navy and Pink
What is a blue book? How is it used?
It Contains all of the history of AZA, traditions, opening and closing ceremonies, and songs and cheers. It is used at a business meeting to know the procedures.
What is Region?
The region is the next level of AZA. The purpose of the regional level is two­fold. Regions serve to bring chapters together so that they can exchange ideas, socialize, compete, and work together on projects that require many people. The second purpose of the regional level is to service the chapters and help them in any way possible.
Who is the Regional Director, Associate Regional Director and the Area Director of Community Impact?
Tyler Pepe - Regional Director Jen Kruzansky- Associate Regional Director Josh Cohen- Area Director of Community Impact
What is IC?
International Convention
Where do meetings occur and how often are they?
They are at the Stamford JCC. They occur roughly every other Monday night form 7-9.
Can you name 3 of the 5 folds of programming?
Brotherhood, Athletics, Social Action/ Community Service, Education, and Judaism.
Name 5 of the 8 cardinal principles of AZA.
1) Patriotism- Loyalty to my homeland, to its laws, to its principles, to its ethics. To die for it if need be, but primarily to live for it. 2) Judaism- Always to observe the tenets of my faith; ever to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord my G-d. 3) Filial Love- Ever to honor and love my parents. To be considerate of my elders and to respect age. 4) Charity- To give of myself and my substance for all worthy causes; to be kind and generous to all in need, regardless of race or color. 5) Conduct- never too bold, never too forward, ever humble, ever observing the principles of gentlemen. 6) Purity- To keep my soul pure, my mind active, and my body healthy. 7) Fraternity- a spirit of sociability, of cooperation, and of friendship toward all AZA's that shall make of us one fellowship; a love of and a loyalty to AZA and its Ideals. CVR has adopted the 8th Cardinal Principle of Health: 8) Health- To be thankful for my health and to pray for the quick and full recovery of all that are ill.
What is the highest board position in BBYO? Who holds this position?
Grand Aleph Godol Ron Hasson
Where are ILTC and Kallah?
Camp Perlman
What are the names of our Advisors?
David Klein David Giver