Friend and Family

After pulling an all-nighter to work on an essay, Shelby (20F) submits an essay right at the deadline. Mr. Stewart gives Shelby a lower grade than she feels she deserves. She asks Professor Stewart for an explanation of why he gave her a bad grade. To which he replies, “I just don't like you." Who is in the wrong?

The Professor


Rachel, Sara, and Elizabeth (18F) are taking a sociology class together. Rachel and Sara have been good friends over the course of the semester. When it’s time for the midterms, Sara begins looking up the answers on Google and telling Rachel the answers. Elizabeth tells the professor what happened after the test, and Rachel and Sara are upset and stop speaking to Elizabeth. Is Elizabeth in the wrong for telling on her peers?

Elizabeth is not in the wrong. Rachel and Sara should not be cheating on their exam.


Jane and Alison (19F) are sophomores and share a 1 bedroom apartment close to campus. Alison likes to bring her boyfriend Matt (20M) over to spend the night multiple nights during the week when Jane has to wake up early the next morning. Jane gets frustrated and asks Alison to bring her boyfriend over less, who responds that it’s her apartment too and can bring her boyfriend over as much as she wants.

Alison should be respectful of Jane's sleep and bring her boyfriend over less often.


Jenna’s (18F) mom (52F) is constantly coming to her dorm and checking up on her. Jenna loves her mom, but feels that this is an invasion of privacy and her roommate begins to become bothered by Jenna’s mom coming over so much. Jenna brings this up to her mom, and her mom gets offended, saying she just cared about her daughter.

Jenna's mom should respect her daughter's space and cut back on visits.


Grace (19F) views Mr. Brown's marketing class as a blow off class and doesn’t show up for some of the classes for the semester. As the semester comes to an end, Grace realizes she has a lower grade than she wants, and asks for extra credit the week before finals. Mr. Brown turns her down, and Grace feels it's unfair that she will get a lower letter grade in the class. Who’s in the wrong?

Grace should have come to classes.


Jose (18M) is constantly stepping on Lee’s shoes (19M). Jose views it as a joke but Lee absolutely hates it. After a while of keeping quiet about the issue, Lee loses his temper and yells at Jose. Who is in the wrong?

Lee should have told Jose that the action bothers him.


Tegan (18F) comes back to her dorm after a long day and decides to take a shower to unwind. But when she gets in, she notices that her shampoo is much emptier than earlier. Tegan asks her roommate, Rhonda (18F) if she used her shampoo. Rhonda says she did, but also that she doesn't have the money to buy any of her own. Who is in the wrong?

Rhonda should ask before she borrows her roommates' things.


Akenna's friend Jackie (both 19F) has apparently been non-consentually, "borrowing," her car. It often returns with the gas tank empty, and with soda stains on the seats. Jackie says that if Akenna didn't make her car so easy to steal, then she wouldn't have to worry about her borrowing it. Who is in the wrong?

Jackie should not be taking Akenna's car without permission.


Juanita (21F) is taking a very hard class, of which she is managing to do well. The professor makes comments before announcing when the next tests will be. Such as claiming they “hope nobody fails” and then making very clear eye contact at Juanita. Despite the possibility that it is a joke, it makes Juanita uncomfortable and she talks badly about the Professor to her friends. Who is in the wrong?

The Professor, that sort of behavior in inappropriate even if meant as a joke.


Frederick and Leo (18M) are rushing for the same fraternity. At an event, Leo acts socially awkward at a few moments. While he is away, a few of the fraternity brothers poke fun at Leo. To which Frederick readily joins in, hoping that this helps his chances of acceptance.

Frederick should be discouraging other people from making fun of his friend.


Tristan and Mark (both 18M) are roommates in their freshman year. Tristan begins bringing alcohol into their room and keeping it in their shared fridge. Mark is uncomfortable by this, and doesn’t want to get caught with alcohol in his room and possibly get in trouble. Mark reports this to the RA, and Tristan is mad at Mark for getting him in trouble. He says everything would have been fine if Mark hadn’t said anything. Who’s the AH?

Tristan is in the wrong, and should not bring alcohol in the room.


Matika (18F) is enjoying a meal in the commons, the only problem is that her friend Tiffany (19F) keeps stealing fries from her plate. Matika tells Tiffany to stop, but she refuses. After a while, Matika swats away Tiffany's hand when she tries to take her fries, and Tiffany says this was too harsh. Who is in the wrong?

Matika is at fault. Even if someone is taking her food, hitting them is a clear escalation.


Joe's (18M) professor has a very strict no-lateness policy. She outlines clearly on the first day that there will be no tolerance for late work. By the end of the semester, Joe is failing the class. His one opportunity is an essay worth 25% of his grade. He works harder than ever to finish it. But when he turns it in, his Professor rejects it for being a day late. Who is in the wrong?

Even though we all want to say the Professor, Joe should have turned in the paper on time.


Summedha (21) loves exercising, and views it as a way for her to unwind after a stressful day. The only problem is that when she exercises, Nathan (20M), who lives directly below her, complains of noise. She explains that she is occupied for most of her day, and cannot go to the recreation center. Who is in the wrong?

Neither, they should call the RA to mediate a reaction


Jamal (19M) has always gone to bed early, but every night, his roommate Kai (19M), stays up late studying for an exam that could result in him either passing or failing the semester. Kai tries his best to be quiet, but still manages to disrupt Jamal’s sleep. Who is in the wrong?

Kai should find somewhere to study outside of the dorm so that he doesn't disturb Jamal


Tabitha (19F) is an international student whose mother frequently sends care packages. These care packages often have essentials, but they arrive so frequently that they take up too much space in the dorm. Her roommate Maritza (20F) complains about not having enough room in the dorm. But Tabitha says she has nowhere else to put the care packages, and that she can't ask her Mother not to send them. Who is in the wrong?

Even if it hurts her Mother's feelings, Tabitha should explain that there is no room in their dorm for the packages.


Walter (21M) has hardly tried the entire semester. Out of all of his 12 assignments, he has only turned in 2 on-time. Unfortunately landing him in academic probation. Where he is told that he will fail if he doesn't complete the last essay on-time. The big day comes, and Walter still turns it in late. His teacher fails him, even though Walter claims there was a power outage that prevented him from turning it in. Who is in the wrong?

Walter is at fault, although he could possibly appeal for an extension due to the power outage


Yoshiro (19M) has been suffering from insomnia as a result of his anxiety. He copes with this by taking walks around the dorm. Unfortunately this disrupts Janna (19F), who is known as a light sleeper. She tells Yoshiro that if he doesn't stop these walks, she will report him to the RA. Who is in the wrong?

Neither is at fault. Yoshiro should consult student counseling for help with his mental health, and they should contact the RA on how to best deal with the dispute.


John’s (20M) roommate Bradley (21M) has been going through a tough time lately, he struggles to clean the room, or even get out of bed.  Jonas understands what Bradley is goin through, but he still tells Bradley to “Get a grip,” and that if he doesn’t start doing his share of the chores, he will report him to the RA. Who is in the wrong?

Neither is at fault. John could be more supportive, but his frustration is understandable. Student counseling should be contacted to help Bradley through this period


Ryan and Cooper (both 20M) are best friends. They have an agreement that Ryan can use Cooper's car, as long as he fills it up with gasoline afterward. However, Ryan can't afford to fill it up with gasoline. Cooper says that Ryan cannot use his car until he pays for gas, but Ryan has a Fraternity party the next day that requires a car. Who is in the wrong?

Ryan is at fault, even if he has to miss the party, they laid out clear terms for him to use the car.
