Přelož: oblast
Napiš 5 počitatelných slov anglicky.
apples, friends, animals, cars, books... etc.
(more answers possible)
May I have a ________ of cake for breakfast, please?
Yes, of course.
slice, piece
_______ does Mrs Raková live?
She lives in Stod.
Přelož: divoká zvěř
How ______food do they eat every day?
They eat _________ (hodně) food.
much , a lot of
Přelož: Mají tabulku čokolády.
They have a bar of chocolate.
loudly / quietly
What is the giant panda's favourite food?
Přelož : zajetí
How _______ friends do you have?
I have ________ (málo) friends.
many , few
Přelož : Chtěl bych hrnek čaje.
I want / would like a cup of tea.
Doplň: You should eat ____________, to be fit.
healthily / well
_______ is Lukáš Dostál?
He is the extraordinary Czech ice hockey goalkeeper!
Přelož: růst
to grow
Napiš 5 nepočitatelných slov anglicky.
water, milk, bread, air, tea .... etc.
(more answers are possible)
Přelož: Mám sklenici vody.
I have a glass of water.
fast / quickly
Vytvoř otázku na tuto odpověď:
The hippo is about 3 metres long.
How long is the hippo?
Přelož : ohrožený
How ______ chocolate is there?
There is ______ (málo) chocolate left.
much, little
Yummy! There is a __________ of sweets in the cupboard!
box , packet, jar, tin
Why do you like ice cream?
Because it is tasty, sweet , refreshing ... etc.
(more answers possible)