Vocabulary Definitions
Sentence Blanks
Context Clues
Making Inferences
Figurative Language

Which word means a hammer with a large usually wooden head?

a. antimacassar        b. mallet

c. knothole.    d. switchboard

b. mallet


My great grandmother's home is filled with _________ knick knacks and old figurines from her childhood in the 1920's. 

a. quaint.     b. predicament

c. jauntily.    d. momentum

a. quaint

This word means old fashion.


Baby birds rely on their mother to bring them food for 2-3 weeks. After that they can fly on their own and go search for their own food. 

a. to want.   b. to not care.    

c. to depend on.     d. to think about

C. to depend on


A woman finished reading a story and closed the book. About 20 children got up from the carpet and went to the corner of the room. They began taking coats and hats off hooks. After putting on their coats and hats, the children lined up. Where are the children going? How do you know?

They are going home from school.

I know because it said they put on their hats and coats and lined up.

My teacher asked the class a question about the book we were reading. I raised my hand and gave the answer. She smiled and said "you hit the nail on the head." What does this mean?

To get something exactly right


Which word means a hole in a wall where mice live?

a. antimacassar.     b. incinerator

c. knothole.        d. chromium

c. knothole


In America each year, more than 32 million tons of plastic get buried in a landfill or burned in an _______. 

a. mallet.      b. chromium

c. incinerator.       d. knothole

C. incinerator

This word means a furnace for burning trash.


When bees land on a flower the pollen clings to their feet. When the bees fly to another flower pollen from the first flower now touches the second flower.

a. holds tightly.      b. melts

c. goes around in circles.    d. walks

A. holds tightly


A boy asked his mother for help to get somethings off a shelf. She took down jars and brushes and the boy brought them to the table. Next he went to his mom's desk and got some paper. He put the paper on the table. Finally, the boy filled a cup with water and sat down at the table with all of these things. What is the boy going to do? How do you know?

The boy is going to paint a picture.


Today was the school's talent show. I had worked very hard to practice my dance. Right before I got on stage my best friend said "break a leg", I know you are going to do so great! What does break a leg mean?

Good Luck


Which word means an installation for the manual control of telephone connection in an office?

a. mallet.    b. switchboard

c. incinerator.     d. knothole

b. switchboard


After receiving a big promotion work, Jill walked home _________ and was so proud she could not wait to tell her husband.

a. momentum.    b. predicament

c. chromium.   d. jauntily

d. jauntily

This word means having self confidence.


The deer that Lily saw in the woods was very attentive to her. As soon as it heard Lily, the deer stopped moving and watched to see what Lily would do next.

a. beautiful.   b. brave 

c. getting into trouble.   d. alert or aware

D. alert or aware


A class of students walked with their teacher to a special room in their school. They sat down and a woman came out to read them a story. After that the children were exploring the books on the shelves. Each student chose one book. The woman scanned their books using a special computer. What is the woman's job?

The woman is a librarian.


It was after midnight and the girl had been studying for hours for her science test. She decided it was time to finally hit the sack since she had to wake up at 7 am. What does hit the sack mean?

Go to sleep


Which word means a piece of cloth to put over the back of a chair to protect it from dirt?

a. mallet.      b. jauntily

c. quaint.    d. antimacassar

d. antimacassar


Her body continued its  __________ down the hill and she fell, and she knew that she was going to be very badly injured.

a. momentum.        b. predicament

c. antimacassar.      d. quaint

a. momentum

This word means the quantity of motion of a moving body.

The flight attendant announced that it was time to put on our seatbelts as the plane began to descend. They were almost at the airport and Stephanie could see all the buildings getting bigger as they were getting closer.

a. Take off.   b. move downward

c. turn around.   d. get quiet

B. move downward


Dane spent all day on his picture for the art show. He could not wait to give it to Miss Bell, the art teacher. He put his picture in his room and went out to play. When Dane came back inside, he saw his little sister coming out of his room and she was holding a crayon. Dane's eyes got wide and he rushed into his room. Dane started yelling and he stormed out of his room to tell his mom. What happened? How did Dane feel?

Dane's little sister ruined his art project.

Dane felt angry.


I made my wish list for my birthday and gave it to my mom. She looked at the list and was shocked. She said all this stuff is going to cost me an arm and a leg. We have to take a few items off the list. What does cost an arm and a leg mean?

What is very expensive?


Which word means a hard white metal used in stainless steel?

a. momentum.    b. incinerator

c. chromium.     d. mallet

c. chromium


Whenever I call my father, he always assumes I am in some type of __________ and in need of his help or in need of some money.

a. quaint.      b.predicament

c. momentum.   d. switchboard

b. predicament

This word means a difficult or embarrassing situation.


In AJ's science project, he deprived a seed of sunlight. Although the seed sprouted without the sun, it was very small and looked white in color, and would not become a full plant. 

a. crushed.   b. watered

c. took away.    d. smelled

C. took away


Ryan was looking forward to having a sleepover at his friend Matt's house. Ryan packed a sleeping bag and some of his favorite toys. His mom dropped him off and they played outside of Matt's house, riding scooters. Then it got dark and they went inside Matt's house. As soon as they walked inside, Ryan's eyes started getting red and itchy. He saw a big cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry Matt. I had fun but I need to call my mom. Why did Ryan's eyes get red and itchy? Why does Ryan need to call his mom? 

He was allergic to the cat.

He needs his mom to pick him up because he cannot stay there.


My grandma was planning a surprise party for my grandpa. When my cousin came over, she said to my grandpa that she could not wait for his party. My grandma was so angry that my cousin spilled the beans. What does spill the beans mean?

To tell someone's secret
