What is Ajay's full birth date?
February 14th, 2010
Who were Ajay's 2 besties in daycare?
Kyle & Reyna
Favorite Food?
Favorite Football team?
Buffalo Bills
Favorite Youtube show?
What hospital was Ajay born in?
Saint Peter's University
What was the name of his favorite teacher?
Ms. Nisha
Favorite Fruit?
Favorite sport to play?
Was ajay good at playing hide and seek? why or why not
He was not. He would laugh immediately
Who held Ajay first? Mommy or Daddy?
How old was Ajay when he stopped going to daycare
5 years old
Chocolate Milkshake
Favorite basketball team?
What is Ajay's biggest fear?
Scary Movies
Was Ajay born in the AM or PM?
*DOUBLE POINT BONUS* if you guess the hour he was born.
At how many months old did he start daycare?
4 months
Favorite Vegetable?
Which famous player from the Giants did he take a picture with?
What 3 things did Ajay like to do when he performed for the family
Dance, Magic, Tell Jokes
What was the name of the doctor who delivered Ajay?
Dr. Gao
What was the name of Ajay's daycare?
Bright Horizons
Favorite Candy?
Watermelon Sourpatch (i think)
What was the first sport Ajay ever played?
How old was Ajay when he got potty trained?