Name three things that we should be careful of when speaking
1. We should make sure that we are being truthful and saying something useful
2. We should make sure that we are not hurting anyone’s feelings, even jokingly
3. We should not use bad language
what is the difference between envy and jealousy
Envy is a weaker form of jealousy. Envy means to crave someone else's position or property without wanting them to lose it. However, jealousy (in its worst form) means not only to want something that someone else has, but at the same time not wanting them to have it either.
how should behave toward your father to fulfill his rights
You should be kind to your father and recognize that your good traits come from him.
what does akhlaq mean
What is fault-finding? what are its effects?
Fault-finding is when you try to find flaws or faults in other people. If we keep fault-finding, we may become arrogant. We will only see others’ flaws, and not our own flaws, and as a result, we will think that we are better than other people.
what is the most important thing to do before speaking
we should guard our tongues and be careful about what we say. We shouldn’t just say anything that comes to our mind, but rather think before we speak.
what are the 3 groups of jealous people
People who do not pay too much attention to others around them
People who see others doing well and are motivated to be like them
People who do not like seeing others happy or doing well
How can you fulfill the rights of your mother?
You can recognize and thank her for everything she has done for you. You can try your best to help her in any way you can.
what are the 3 merits of akhlaq
Al-Mushāraṭah (Making an intention at the beginning of the day to go through the day in a way that Allah will be pleased)
Al-Murāqabah (Being in a state of constant watchfulness over yourself)
Al-Muḥāsabah (Taking account for your actions at the end of the day)
what is al-gibah? give an example
back-biting; To talk about someone behind their back, about a hidden flaw, in such a way that it would make him/her upset.
What are the 2 Makruhat of drinking
Try not to drink from a glass that has a crack. If you do, do not drink from the side that has the crack
Don’t drink too much water.
What are some things you can do to control your anger?
You can control your anger by doing wuḍūʿ, changing positions, and remembering Allah.
what are the rights of your brothers/sister (siblings)
Be sure to help him against his enemy and give him good advice.
How can you purify your intentions?
say bismillah
what is al-tuhmah, give an example
To spread false information about someone, regardless of whether it is behind their back or in front of them.
Name all the Makrūhāt of eating
It is makrūh to talk with your mouth full or look at other people’s faces or plates while eating.
Don’t eat hot food or blow on it, and always finish all the food on your plate. However, if you’re full, then put your food aside and eat it later.
Do not overeat. Always put a little food on your plate and add more if you are still hungry.
Do not get up from the table before you have finished your food.
what are the 3 kinds of patience
Ṣabr in times of hardship
Ṣabr in regard to obedience
Ṣabr in regard to disobedience
name 3 rights of neighbors
1. You must protect everything about him/her when he/she is present.
2. He/she must be respected when present.
3. You must help him/her when absent.
4. Do not look for bad things about him/her.
5. If you find out something bad about him/her, cover his/her fault.
6. Do not spy on his/her conversations
7. When he/she is in trouble, do not leave him/her.
8. When he/she is well off and happy, do not be jealous.
9. Forgive his/her faults.
10. If he/she does not behave well with you, be patient.
11. Be his/her shield if anyone wants to hurt him/her.
12. If you know that he/she will listen to your advice, then advise him/her secretly and not in front of everyone.
Why is laziness discouraged in Islam?
Islam discourages laziness because when we are lazy, we waste the biggest blessing Allah has given us: time. We must take advantage of this blessing of time and life by using our time wisely and working hard.
Why is it wrong to mock/make fun of others?
It is wrong to make fun of others because Allah created everyone, and we have no right to make fun of or humiliate Allah’s creations. When we make fun of someone, it is like we are making fun of Allah.
Name all the Mustaḥabāt of eating
Always wash your hands before you start eating
Before you start eating, say: bismillah
Take a pinch of salt before you begin to eat, as this is
also good for your body since it kills bacteria.
●It is good to eat with your right hand. You should take small bites and chew your food properly.
● Before getting up, take another pinch of salt and say Alḥamdulillāh
● When you’re done eating, rinse your mouth, wash your hands, and dry them with a towel.
Whom does the Qurʾān describe as the “Kāẓimīn al-Ghayẓ?”
The Qurʾān describes the mūhsinīn (good-doers) as the kāẓimīn al-ghayẓ.
name all the rights of neighbors mentioned from Risālat al-Ḥuqūq
1. You must protect everything about him/her when he/she is present.
2. He/she must be respected when present.
3. You must help him/her when absent.
4. Do not look for bad things about him/her.
5. If you find out something bad about him/her, cover his/her fault.
6. Do not spy on his/her conversations
7. When he/she is in trouble, do not leave him/her.
8. When he/she is well off and happy, do not be jealous.
9. Forgive his/her faults.
10. If he/she does not behave well with you, be patient.
11. Be his/her shield if anyone wants to hurt him/her.
12. If you know that he/she will listen to your advice, then advise him/her secretly and not in front of everyone.
How can working hard be the same as praying to Allah?
Working hard can be the same as praying to Allah if our intention is to seek Allah’s pleasure. If we do something to become closer to Allah, then it is like we are worshipping Him as we work.
donating, being patient, defending them, help them with tasks, be friends with them