How many initiations is the chapter required to hold each academic year?
What are the Objects of Alpha Kappa Psi?
1. To promote and advance in institutions of college rank, courses leading to degrees in business administration
2. To foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts and finance
3. To further the individual welfare of its members
4. To educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein
What is the official flower of Alpha Kappa Psi?
Yellow rose
Each month of the academic year, the chapter is required to hold a minimum of ___ business meetings
What are the governing documents of the fraternity?
1. The Constitution & Statutory Code
2. The Board of Directors Statement of Policy
3. The Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi
4. Chapter Bylaws
What is the official gem of Alpha Kappa Psi?
Blue sapphire
Student members can miss up to __ meetings per semester or __ per quarter
3 per semester, 2 per quarter
What are the classes of membership within Alpha Kappa Psi?
1. Student Member
2. Faculty Member
3. Alumni Member
4. Honorary Member
5. Suspended Member
What are the official colors of Alpha Kappa Psi?
Navy and gold
What is quorum at a chapter meeting?
50% +1 of the total number of eligible votes
Duties of Alpha Kappa Psi Members
1. Attendance at every meeting and function
2. Membership work: each member should recruit at least one new member per semester to ensure stability of the chapter
3. Assume responsibility, be reliable and complete every task assigned and help other brothers where needed
4. Cooperate with the president and other officers
5. Make every effort to maintain at least a "B" average
6. Meet financial obligations promptly
7. Live the values of Brotherhood, Integrity, Service, Unity, and Knowledge
8. Support, abide by, and enforce the fraternity's Constitution and Statutory Code, Board of Directors Statement of Policy as well as all other fraternity policies and directives
9. Prepare for professional and business success
10. Solemnly avow The Ritual of Alpha Kappa Psi
The symbol of alumni is the yellow rose
False, the yellow rose signifies friendship, the Blue Sapphire is symbol of our alumni objectives
What are the objects on the coat of arms?
1. Coin bag
2. Phoenician galley
3. Chain of four links
4. Pair of balances
5. 10 pointed star
Who are the Ten Founding Fathers? (* Denotes the Brooklyn Four)
Howard M. Jefferson*
Frederick R. Leach*
George L. Bergen*
Nathan Lane Jr. *
William O. Tremaine
Robert S. Douglas
Morris S. Rachmil
Irving L. Camp
Daniel V. Duff
Herbert M. Wright
What does the Fraternal pledge induction fee cover?
The induction fee covers the costs of the pledge program resources, technology, and support.