What is the title of UN SDG 7?
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
What is mental health, according to the World Health Organization?
A sense of well-being where you can use your skills and abilities, cope with the normal stressors of life, learn or work productively, and can make a contribution to your community.
What are the 5 sections of a "hamburger-style" essay?
1. Introduction
2. First main idea paragraph
3. Second main idea paragraph
4. Third main idea paragraph
5. Conclusion
Not able to be undone or altered.
What are the 2 most common ways of citations?
How many UN SDGs are there?
Name 3 ways stress affects our body (from our class slides)
1. How your body feels
2. What you think
3. What you do
What is the R.A.C.E. method?
1. Restate the question
2. Answer the question
3. Cite the evidence
4. Explain the evidence/your thoughts
Little things that can bother us and become bigger issues when stress is high (doing the dishes).
What are low-modality words?
Low-modality words convey less certainty and obligation, generally, this makes a piece of writing sound uncertain and doubtful.
By what YEAR is the UN hoping to reach the Targets for SDG 3?
What is stigma?
The perception that a certain attribute can make a person, unacceptably different from others, leading to prejudice and discrimination against them.
What is the purpose of compare and contrast? (must name 4 reasons)
• Contrasts draw out differences between two subjects.
• Comparisons outline both similarities and differences between two subjects.
• Demonstrates how two subjects, that appear dissimilar, are actually similar.
• Instead of judgmental, may be informational.
Prevent from growing or developing properly.
What are high-modality words?
High-modality words convey certainty and higher degrees of obligation. When high-modality words are used, confidence and intensity are conveyed to the reader making the language used in the writing seem more persuasive.
What does UN SDG stand for?
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal
What are the 4 components of mental health (from class)
1. No distress
2. Mental distress
3. Mental health problem
4. Mental disorder/illness
What is the goal of a persuasive essay?
Persuasive writing, also known as the argument essay, uses logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than another. It attempts to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.
Deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.
What does Miss Yana remind us to pay attention to when writing? (hint - 3 things almost every class)
1. Commas
2. Indenting paragraphs
3. Capital/lowercase letters
What does sustainable development mean?
To make the world a better place for everyone now without destroying the possibilities for the next generation.
Name the 5 tiers of Maslows' Hierarchy of Needs
1. Self-actualization
2. Esteem needs
3. Belonging and love needs
4. Safety needs
5. Physiological needs
How are case studies different than regular essays?
Highly destructive or damaging; causing severe shock, distress, or grief.
Name 3 food-related idioms
1. A white lie
2. Catch someone red-handed
3. Black sheep (of the family)
more in week 3.1