What city does Aladdin live in?
Who were Ali Baba and Cassim?
Two brothers. Cassim is rich, Ali Baba is poor.
Why did Abou Hassan leave the company of his friends?
They treated him badly
Who are the main characters in the story?
Hindu juggler, the King of Persia, the prince of Persia, the enchanted horse, the King of Bengal, the princess of Bengal, the Sultan of Cashmere, the dervish and the enchanted horse
Why does the King of Khaledan shut his son the prince, in a tower?
The prince refuses to marry and the King locks him in a lonely tower until he becomes more reasonable
What does Aladdin's mother want him to do?
Get a job
What were the magic words to open the cave?
Who was the stranger Abou Hassan invited into his home?
The Caliph of Baghdad, Haroun Alrascid
What does the Hindu juggler show the King and what can it do?
An Enchanted Horse; it can carry its rider anywhere they want to go
What do the fairy and genie argue about?
They argue over who is the most beautiful - Camaralzaman or Badoura
What special item does Aladdin find in the cave?
What was inside the cave, and what did Ali Baba do with it?
The cave has treasures: silks and rich cloths, gold, silver and jewels. Ali Baba took the treasure, loaded it on his animals and went home.
What does the Caliph do with Abou Hassan?
he puts him to sleep, takes him to his palace, and tells all his servants to treat Abou Hassan as if he were the Caliph
What happens to the prince of Persia?
The prince of Persia mounts the horse and is taken very far until he realizes how to stop the horse and then he arrives in Bengal
How did the genie and fairy decide who was more beautiful?
They brought the princess and then awoke the prince. He instantly fell in love with her and kissed her. The princess was awakened and she also instantly fell in love with the prince and then fell back asleep
Who tried to trick Aladdin?
His false uncle; a magician
What was Cassim jealous of Ali Baba?
He found out that Ali Baba had all the jewels and riches (treasure). He wanted to know how his brother got it all.
What happens after the Caliph lets Abou Hassan be him for the day?
His servants take him back to his house. Abou Hassan believes he is the real Caliph and fights with his mother. Everyone thinks he is gone crazy and send him to a madhouse
How does the princess of Bengal disappear?
The Hindu juggler is released and decides to take his revenge and kidnaps the princess. He mounts the enchanted horse and leaves with her.
What happened to the prince and princess when he awoke the next day?
The fairy sent her away because the princess spoke more about the princess so she said he was more beautiful. The prince was so upset at losing the princess that he was on the brink of death
What is Aladdin's dream?
To marry a princess
What happened to Cassim?
The robbers found him and killed him
What happens to Abou Hassan after he meets the Caliph a second time?
Abou Hassan recognizes him and tells him that he is the cause of his misfortunes. He tells the Caliph what happened to him, and the Caliph feels bad and vows to help him. He takes him back to the palace and makes him the Caliph again but this time he reveals that he was joking. Eventually he makes Abou Hassan a chief lord, he marries a fine lady and becomes rich
What does the prince of Persia do to get the princess of Bengal back?
The prince of persia pretends to be a dervish and offers to help the Sultan of Cashmere cure her madness. He finds the princess tells the Sultan that the princess has some magic in her, and the only way to cure her is for her to mount the horse again. They escape together.
What happened to the prince after he found the princess’s talisman?
The prince decided to leave on a ship with the talisman and some gold dust which he placed in some olive jars. He missed boarding the ship (which only traveled once a year) because the man he was staying with in the village died. He finally boarded the ship, which landed in Ebony. He sold the jars and the princess discovered her talisman. They were united again and stayed in Ebony where the king made Camaralzaman the King of Ebony