What are some views about land use?
Much of the Cordillera region has few or no communities in it.
In what ways does climate affect life?
Flood water from ancient lakes and rivers wore away the land leaving large rock formations, such as castle Butte.
What is unique about the Arctic region?
The Arctic is the most northerly region of Canada.
What do you know about landmarks?
Break the word into two:''land'' and ''mark''.
What makes the Canadian shield so unique
The Canadian shield region is the largest in Canada.
How are bodies of water important?
''Cordillera'' is a Spanish word meaning parallel ridges or mountain ranges.
How do rivers affect life?
Actually, the region has many different kinds of landscapes, waterways, and resources.
How does climate shape the arctic ways of life?
These islands have mountains,plains,glaciers,and sea ice.
How does water shape ways of life?
The atlantic Ocean to Ontario by jumping from tree to tree.
How do people use the large network of rivers and lakes?
The Canadian shield region contains a wealth of natural resources.
How have natural resources shaped communities?
The Cordillera region may be best known for its high,jagged mountains, but it has many different landforms.
How does the land shape identities?
The land shape the way we live,our quality of life,and the way we see ourselves.
How are Inuit ways of life traditional and modern?
Different people live in the Arctic region but most are Inuit (ee-nu-eet).
What are some use of land in this region?
The great lakes,st lawrence region is the smallest region in Canada,but it is also the most populated
How does the climate shape ways of life?
There are also lowlands in this region. The largest of these is the Hudson Bay lowland. It is also a wetland.
How does the land shape life in the Cordillera region?
The Cordillera region is located along the western side of North America.
Why are natural resources important?
A prairie is a large flat area that has few trees and is covered.
What are some effects of climate change?
the far north of the Arctic region is covered with sea ice.
How do natural resources shape ways of life?
people have changed the landscape here more than any other region of canada.
What is life like in a region rich in natural resources?
It covers over half the area of canada,but it has only 10 per cent of total population.
In what ways does the climate affect quality of life?
Flat lands,like this in Creston valley British Columbia, can be found in many parts of the Cordillera.
why should we protect land and resources?
The oil and natural gas.
In what ways is the land in the Arctic different from the land
arctic is the best
why should we protect our environment?
today before coming to a city or town.
What are some challenges in managing resources?
the rockiness of the shield region can be seen in this photograph.