What is the legal age for drinking alcohol in Ontario?
The legal age to drink alcohol in Ontario is 19.
What are the 3 main things alcohol induces on your body?
The 3 main things alcohol induces on your body is anger, anxiety, and depression.
If you go to a bar and all alcoholic drinks there are $8.00, and you buy 8 drinks, how much money will you be spending, with tax?
You will end up spending $72.32 dollars in total with tax.
Is alcohol the most commonly used substance in Canada?
Yes, alcohol is the most commonly used substance in Canada.
What is the process of making alcohol called?
The process of making alcohol is called fermentation.
What is the suggested amount of alcoholic drinks per week?
1-2 is the suggested amount of drinks per week.
What percentage of alcoholics are depressed?
63% of alcoholics are depressed.
What is the minimum penalty for the 1 offence of drunk driving in Canada?
The minimum penalty for 1 offence of drunk driving in Canada is $1000.
What percentage of Canadians drink?
81% of Canadians drink.
What are the 2 main ingredients in alcohol?
Ethanol and water are the 2 main ingredients in alcohol.
What percentage of students from grade 7-12 drank underage in 2016-2017?
44% of students from grade 7-12 drank underage in 2016-2017.
What mental disorders can you get from drinking alcohol?
The mental disorders you can get from drinking alcohol are:
Bipolar, psychosis, and sleeping disorders.
What is the maximum for the 1 offence of drunk driving in Canada?
The 1 maximum offence of drunk driving in Canada, is a 10-year imprisonment.
What province has the highest rate of alcoholism in Canada?
Prince Edward Island has the highest rate of alcoholism in Canada.
What are the main ingredients to make beer?
The main ingredients to make beer are:
Malt, hops, yeast, and water.
What percentage of accident-related car fatalities are caused by drunk drivers in Ontario?
25% of accident-related car fatalities are caused by drunk drivers in Ontario.
If 75% of Canadians have depression from alcohol and if 98% of Americans have depression from alcohol, and if 4/5 Australians have depression from alcohol, what is the percentage of Australians have depression from alcohol?
80% of Australians would have depression from alcohol.
How much money is spent on alcohol each year in Canada?
$25.5 billion is spent on alcohol each year.
How many people in Ontario have classified drinking problems?
17.3% of people have classified themselves as heavy drinkers in Ontario.
How long does alcohol need to ferment?
Alcohol needs 2–3 weeks to ferment.
What 3 provinces, in Canada, allow alcohol purchasing at age 18?
Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec allow alcohol purchasing at age 18.
What is the percentage on how drunk you have to be to have memory loss?
You have to be 0.20% and as low as 0.14% to have memory loss from being drunk.
In 2016 what age was the most reported for drinking in Canada?
In 2016, it was people aged 20-24 that had the most reports of drinking.
How common is alcoholism in Canada?
Nearly 6 million Canadians age 12 and over report heavy drinking at least once a month.
What are the main ingredients to make wine?
The main ingredients for wine are:
-Grapes, calcium carbonate, sulfur dioxide, water and yeast.