Youth Relevancy - Alcohol
Influential Factors- Alcohol

Which gender is most likely to drink and binge-drink alcohol? 

Adolescent boys. 


Children who receive __________________ supervision from parents or other close adults may be more likely to experiment with alcohol. 



Why do you think that young people need to be well informed about this issue? 

So that they are more aware of the situation, more easily able to identify that they are in that situation, know how to correctly handle the situation both for themselves and another party. 


Why are youth more vulnerable to trying alcohol? List two.

Influences: Social influences, peer pressure, curiosity, lack of awareness, glorification in media. 


What are the consequences of underaged drinking? 

Potential for sexual abuse and rape, the risk to develop alcohol abuse, health issues, violence, slower brain development, increased risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy, potential for increased school absences, drink driving and lower grades.


What are some rules and regulations set by the government regarding alcohol use within children? List two.

Legal age: 18 years old

If you're on a learner's or provisional liscence, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) must be 0 whilst driving. 

It is illegal for a bar, bottle shop, or anyone, to sell or serve alcohol individuals under 18. 

Exception: parents or legal guardians are allowed to provide alcohol to children at home.


What are the health problems asosciated with alcohol?

Name one long term and one short term effect. 

Long term effect: Reduce fertility, reduced testosterone level, risk of cancer, risk of cardiovascular disease, breaking down of the digestive system, potential for liver disease, inflammation and damage liver cells, suppressed central nervous system.

Short term effects: slurred speech, nausea and vomiting, coordination problems, headache, drowsiness, trouble concentrating, coma, diahorea, distorted vision, reduced inhibitions, shortness of breath, confusion , mood swings, fatigue, impulsivity, amnesia, loss of conscience, euphoria, mental disorder.


Who are the most frequent suppliers of alcohol to adolescents? 

Parents. Around 35-38% of Australian adolescents report that their parents supply them with alcohol. 


How widespread is the issue?

1 in 3 Australians aged 14+ engage in alcoholic acitivity at least once a month. 

In 2009, there were 2.6 million deaths worldwide caused by the effects of alchoholic consumption including non-communicable disease and injuries. 

Which demographic of children is most likely to drink alcohol? 

In 2022-2023, around one third of Australians between the ages 14-17 have reported recent drinking.

Teenagers in lower SES backgrounds and neighbourhoods are slightly more likely to drink at home compared to their peers who are of higher SES background. 
