What is BAC
Blood Alcohol Concentration
What is a blackout
occurs when a person is conscious but they typically don't remember what they did while drinking because alcohol impairs the brain's ability to record new thoughts
What is peer pressure
being influenced by friends to act in a certain way.
According to a recent survey, what percent of high school students have never had a drink of alcohol.
A person who hides their use of a substance, isolates themselves, or neglects their responsibilities might be showing signs of
What helps lower your BAC
What does DUI stand for
Driving Under the Influence
What is a major reason why drinking alcohol can be especially dangerous for young people
The brain is not fully developed until mid 20's
Why are communal sources of alcohol dangerous
you don't know what is in it
A person you should talk to if you're worried about a friend struggling with addiction
Trusted adult
Does drinking coffee sober a person up
What is binge drinking
Consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time
True or False
Most high school students think it is acceptable to drink underage
only 7% of students think it's acceptable for people to drink while underage. That means 93% of students think it's unacceptable
Alcohol slows down the brain and body because it is classified as this type of drug
People struggling with addiction often feel this strong, uncontrollable urge to use a substance or engage in a behavior
What law holds adults responsible for underage drinking that occurs at their house, regardless of who provides the alcohol
Social Host Liability Law
What is the legal drinking age in the U.S.
21 years old
The law that states drivers under the age of 21 who operate a motor vehicle with any amount of measurable alcohol in their bloodstream will be arrested.
Zero Tolerance Law
This term refers to when a person's body becomes dependent on alcohol and requires more of it to feel the same effects
Long term alcohol abuse can cause scarring and damage to this vital organ
What is a standard drink
an alcoholic beverage that contains 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol.
Drinking too much alcohol in a short amount of time can lead to this dangerous health condition
what is alcohol poisoning
Are all beer the same alcohol content
A person trying to stop using an addictive substance might experience physical symptoms like nausea, sweating, and shaking. This is called