Was alcohol illegal to consume during prohibition?
The act of consuming liquor was not what the 18th Amendment banned. Instead it was against the “manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquors”
This was the only Amendment to be repealed.
The 18th Amendment.
What state ended prohibition?
Utah became the 36th state to ratify the 21st Amendment, which was the last state needed to officially write it into the Constitution. The first state to do so? Michigan.
Democrats have the donkey, Republicans have the elephant while the prohibition party had a ______ as a mascot.
What were some odd beliefs and misinformation that pro-Prohibition supporters claimed?
Pro-Prohibition supporters believed that alcohol turns your blood to water, wine was made with cockroaches, your brain would catch fire by drinking, your liver could grow to 25 lbs., and last but not least, unborn children could be harmed merely by second-hand smelling of alcohol.