What does alcohol block that can cause dehydration?
What word means can not stop doing something?
How many main parts of the brain are affected by alcohol?
Not being able to understand or thinking things are unclear.
What part of the brain is an information processing center?
Temporal lobes
Why are teen brains affected differently than adult brains when alcohol is dranken?
Teen brains are still developing
What can cause headaches and body aches?
How many years do the Frontal Lobes take to fully develop?
When you are not seeing clearly you have...
Blurry vision
What large part of the brain makes up half of the total brain?
Over use of alcohol can lead to this disorder, which is another way to say addiction.
Substance abuse disorder
What word means integrates your senses by helping you balance and control your body? (Body part)
How many people suffer from addiction?
20 Million
Not making good choices is also known as...
Poor judgement
Which brain system includes the hypothalamus and regulates behaviors, emotions, and memories?
What causes you to feel less inhibited and less coordinated after a few drinks?
Glutamate and GABA
The brain releases this which causes happiness and changes in mood.
How many people die each day from taking to much drugs?
Not being able to respond as quickly as usual to physical tasks.
Slowed reaction times
Which part of the brain integrates your senses?
PET scans showed that addiction affects what function?
Tissue function
What word means release of hormones that help regulate your temperature, hunger, thirst, and body development? (Body part)
How many people die from alcohol related things each day?
This change in how a person talks happens when a person drinks to much.
Slurred speech
Which part of the brain regulates hormones?