Show Your Proof
Thinking Realistic
Thinking Mythical
Signs and Symptoms

Finding a drink listed as 10 proof, or this alcohol volume percentage, would be very uncommon... we would just call it a beer lol

What is 5%?


The drink itself isn't what gets us drunk, rather this intoxicating ingredient that varies greatly by drink type

What is ethyl alcohol?


The symptoms of this drinking after-effect are often thought to be different from drunkness, when in reality you are probably just still drunk

What is a hangover?


Drinking, especially in combination with other behaviors like smoking, raises the risk of this chronic disease a lot a lot

What is cancer?


Although we can't stop the effects of alcohol, we can slow them by making sure we grub up and do this before drinking

What is eat food?


The most common alcohol volume for spirits such as tequila and vodka is 40%, or this even-numbered proof

What is 80 proof?


The correlation between alcohol consumption and probability of car crashes, quite exponential

What is Dose-Response Function?


Coffee and cold showers can't do anything more than perk us up, this is the only thing that can truly sober us up after drinking

What is time?


Engaging in patterns of drinking 4 or more drinks quickly means you might be engaging in this very dangerous behavior

What is binge drinking?


Making sure rides, sending locations, and money for food/rides are prepared in advance of social events is a good sign of this habit 

What is planning ahead?


Most wines don't have more than an alcohol volume of 12%, or this relatively low proof

What is 24 proof?


When this ratio of alcohol in our bodies is above 0.08% we are considered legally drunk, anything above 0.30 is trouble 

What is Blood Alcohol Concentration?

We can safely say that drinking beer is just as risky as drinking hard liquor because we measure alcohol consumption in servings, or these

What is a standard drink?


This common condition most often occurs after binge drinking, and is the reason why we avoid "sleeping it off" at all costs

What is Alcohol Poisoning?


This group of people who meet to listen and share experiences of alcoholism and recovery is very popular in pop culture for being the biggest alcohol support organization worldwide

What is AA/Alcoholics Anonymous


Everclear, a common household cleaner, in its most bottled form has this percentage of alcohol by volume, often listed as 151 proof 

What is 75.5%?


Genetic factors and drinking behavior play a big role in the rate of this internal process which converts food to energy

What is metabolism?


Although 0.08% means we are legally cannot drive, in reality this amount of alcohol can impair our ability to drive

What is any alcohol whatsoever?

The leading cause of death in youth today, for which alcohol makes up a third of them

What is unintentional injury?


A person who is elected to refrain from drinking to make sure people get home safely is one of these, pretty please always have one...

What is a designated driver?


Hypothetically, a drink with a proof of 1235 would be 15 times stronger than vodka... probably because it would have this much alcohol by volume

What is 617.5%?


Because of differences in body-fat percentages, this grouping of people will ALWAYS be more intoxicated than their counterparts when drinking the same amount of alcohol

What are women?


Knowing the lines on the sides of the cups are measurements for standard drinks is especially important because often, a typical serving is...

What is bigger than a standard drink?


Interference with motor, verbal, or intellectual functions are a sign that a person may have had more than this many drinks, not the charm in this case

What is 3?


If we learned one thing to NOT do, it's this...

What is drink from the punch bowl?

(will accept drinking and driving tho lol)
