It is a drug created by a chemical reaction in some foods
What is alcoholism?
People who are addicted to alcohol suffer
What is alcohol abuse?
is using alcohol in ways that are unhealthy, illegal, or both
What is BAC? What is it shown as?
Blood alcohol concentration
shown as a percentage
What is alcohol poisoning?
is a dangerous condition that results when a person drinks excessive amounts of alcohol over a short time period
What is a drug?
is a substance other than food that change the structure of the body or mind.
What are people with alcoholism known as?
Sometimes people who are alcoholics use people called ______________ in order to help them continue their behavior
What are 4 overall short term effects of alcohol?
lowered inhibitions
interpersonal conflict
falls and accidents
altered behavior – including risky or violent behavior
alcohol poisoning
What can happen to the heart over time from drinking too much alcohol?
the heart becomes weak
it can become enlarged
can be at risk for high blood pressure
What is a depressant?
is a drug that slows down the body function and reaction including heart and breathing rates.
What are the 3 stages of alcoholism?
What is an intervention?
This is a gathering in which friends and family get the problem drinker to agree to seek help
What are 2 short term effects of the stomach?
What can form in the lining of the stomach after a long time of drinking?
What are 3 ways that teens may use alcohol?
Feels more relaxed or more grown up
Relief of emotion
Cope with their problem
What are the 7 categories of the wellness wheel?
What are the 4 steps of the road to recovery?
Impaired judgement
Memory and coordination
Slowed reaction time
Decreased coordination
Slurred speech
Distorted vision and hearing
Reduced inhibitions
Alcohol poisoning
Causing unconsciousness
What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
It is a group of alcohol-related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems
According to the CDC, what are 4 of the 6 reasons why people should not drink alcohol?
Minors, or people under the age of adult rights and responsibilities
Pregnant or women who are trying to become pregnant
Taking medications that can be harmful when they are mixed with alcohol
Recovering from alcoholism or unable to control the amount they drink
Facing any type of medical condition that can worse by alcohol use
Driving, planning to drive, or engaging in any other activity that requires skill, coordination, and alertness
What is malnutrition?
is a condition in which the body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs to grow and function properly
What are the two websites that can help families that are living with alcoholics?
How much alcohol can the liver filter out of the bloodstream?
about a half an ounce each hour
What is Cirrhosis? What does Cirrhosis create around the liver?
scarring and destruction of the liver tissue
creates scar tissue that prevents blood from flowing normally through the liver