What does BAC stand for?
Blood Alcohol Content
You must be this age to purchase tobacco products (including vapes) in the US
Drugs that are ordered from a doctor for someone to take are called this
Prescription drugs
Alcohol is in this category of Drugs
What does DUI stand for?
Driving Under the Influence
The category of drugs that includes prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl
This is the addictive chemical in Tobacco products
Sick feelings and symptoms an addicted person gets when they don't have the drug in their body
This organ is the most effected by long-term and/or excessive alcohol abuse
The liver
Which has the highest % of alcohol by volume? (beer, liquor, or wine)
liquor (vodka, tequila, whiskey, etc)
Why are teens at a higher risk for drug addiction?
This black, sticky substance builds up in the lung's of a smoker
When you are addicted to a drug, then get clean, then go back to using it is called this
What is a long term effect of drinking alcohol?
Liver diseases (Cirrhosis, cancer) Brain damage, Ulcers, High blood pressure, Heart disease etc.
What is the legal limit B.A.C. for driving?
This category of drugs makes it hard for a user to tell what is real vs what is fake
What LONG-TERM health issues can smoking/vaping cause?
Various forms of cancers, lung disease, seizures, black lung, popcorn lung etc.
Using drugs affects the amount of this chemical that your brain produces, and is linked with addiction
A hangover is basically severe _______ (this health condition)
Why is it a bad idea to drive while intoxicated from alcohol?
Because alcohol affects decision making, reaction time and coordination
The drug that can reverse an opioid overdose
Other than Nicotine, the E-juice for vapes can also contain these 3 things
heavy metals, toxic chemicals and other drugs (like marijuana or fentanyl)
When an addict's body stops feeling the effects of a drug
A severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose
Alcohol Poisoning