Effects on the Body
Underage Drinking/Risky Behavior
in america what % of the population has a dependence on alcohol?
What is 5-10%?
Name the main side effect binge drinking has on the brain.
What is blackouts (short term memory loss)?
What percentage of teens who drink before age 14 are much more likely to develop alcohol dependence during their life than those who start at age 21yrs.
What is 5x as likely.
VOLATILE SOLVENTS vaporize at room temperature and are found in many cheap,easily available products which are used in common household and industrial purposes.They include all BUT (1)correction fluid,(2)nitrous oxide (3)glue (4)paint thinners and paint removers
what is nitrous oxide.It is a gas not a solvent.
A 12-step program designed to assist anyone to maintain recovery from alcoholism. It is community based.
What is AA? Alanon can help family/friends and Alateen can help teenagers.
does genetics(the traits you inherit from your parents) play a role in developing alcoholism.
yes---children of alcoholics are at 4x greater risk of developing the disease than children of non alcoholics.The gene for alcoholism has been found by scientists.
Which of the folliwng does NOT describe a way that alcohol influences sexual activity? A) alcohol use impairs judgement B) alcohol use lowers inhibitions C) alcohol use promotes safe behavior D) alcohol use compromises moral standards
What is C, alcohol use promotes safe behavior?
Why is it dangerous to let your friend "sleep it off" after binge drinking with his friends?
What is risk of choking on own vomit, leading to death (aspiration)?
Describe an Aerosole
what kind of an inhalant contains a propellant and a solvent?
The predominant feeling that children develop about themselves as a result of growing up in a dysfunctional home.
What is low self esteem.It happens as a result of growing up with frequent criticism,not being validated by parents,feeling shame about one's homelife.
The process of learning to live an alcohol free life is known as __________.This happens after someone gets sober .
What is recovery? Only 10% of alcoholics stay in recovery after their first try,It is a disease characterized by relapse.
Impaired control over drinking and constantly thinking about alcohol with continued use despite bad consequences are symptoms of what?
What is alcoholism?
True or False?Alcohol consumption decreases the chances that a teen will contract a STD.
False.People using alcohol or other drugs do not use good judgement about many things including their safety.
Why do high concentrations of inhalants cause death.Give at least 1 answer.
They are depressants and they displace(push out) air/oxygen.They are heavier than air/oxygen.
Name 1 tool that a person can use to begin to recover from growing up in a dysfunctional(ACOA) home?
What is: (1)developing a committed relationship with a higher power and the God of his understanding (2) AlAnon can help with a 12 step Spiritual Program (3) Individual and or group therapy
How does alcoholism effect the family?
what is decreased trust,neglect,possible abuse,guilt,fear, financial and social stress.These all erode the bonds that holds a family together.
Alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis are conditions affecting what organ?
What is the liver?
The area of the brain which is responsible for learning and memory and can be 10% smaller in underage drinkers .
What is the Hippocampus.
The high from inhaling only lasts a few minutes and the user seeks to prolong the high and continues to inhale repeatedly over several hours. this can cause loss of consciousness and death.What is the name for this kind of death.
What is "Sudden Sniffing Death".
Children that grow up in dysfunctional homes often do not learn appropriate decision making skills and the value in recognizing ___and ____,which means every behavior has a consequence.
What is CAUSE and EFFECT.Teens often do not look ahead and see the possible outcomes of their behaviors such as getting into a car with an impaired driver.
What is alcoholism?
What is a primary,progressive,chronic disease with genetic, psycho social and environmental factors influencing it's development and manifestations and is often fatal.
Which of the following is NOT a long term effect of drinking alcohol? (1)liver disorders (2) drop in body temperature (3)heart disease (4)neurological (brain) issues such as dementia
what is #2 a drop in body temperature
This happens when the blood alcohol level reaches 0.3. This is after 12beers or 60oz wine or 18oz hard liquor.
What is a stupor. A BAC of 0.40 to 0.50 will cause a coma and the person may be near death from alcohol poisoning.
Freon is a gas which is used in refrigeration/air conditioning.What can happen to one's airway if inhaled.
What is sudden cooling or even freezing of the airway.Oxygen is unable to move through the membranes.Death may occur.
Adult Children often reach adulthood with a variety of emotional and social problems as a result of trying to cope with an addicted parent and a dysfunctional home.These children often share the same characteristics which evolved from the survival tactics they learned growing up.Name 2 of these characteristics.
What is: (1)guess what normal is (2)easily discouraged (3)dishonesty even when telling the truth would be easy (4)judge self harshly (5)feels isolated from others (6)seeks approval from others