
What is intoxication?

A temporary condition where your blood alcohol level is above .8 and you don’t have full awareness of your consciousness or control of your body.


True or false: Alcohol is not a common form of abuse. 



What is an intervention?

A process in which family and friends of someone who is suffering from an addiction confront the person on their addiction, with the goal of helping them to quit. This may involve having them attend rehab in order to solve their drinking problems.


True or False: 84.1% of people 18+ drank alcohol in their lives



What is alcohol addiction?

When a person can no longer control their alcohol use knowing the negative aspects it can cause


Why do alcoholics need more and more alcohol?

They build a tolerance to alcohol


 True or false: There are no consequences to long-term overuse of alcohol.



What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a 12 step program for alcoholics which helps them to quit drinking.


True or False: In 2022, 36% of people 18+ reported to binge drinking in the past month

False, Only 23.5% of people 18+ reported binge drinking in the past month


How old are people usually when they start drinking?

15 or under


What are 4 common signs or symptoms of alcohol use disorder?

Symptoms can include lack of control, cravings, unsafe use, frequent intoxication, withdrawal symptoms,  tolerance, aggression, anxiety, depression, shakiness, dizziness, etc.


What sign(s) occur when someone is abusing alcohol?

Possible answers: Drinking more than planned, continuing to drink knowing the consequences, headache, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, fatigue, more aggressive


You have a friend who is an alcoholic that you want to stage an intervention for. You both have a mutual friend who is also an alcoholic who wishes to participate in the intervention. They claim that their perspective will be valuable in helping your friend. Do you let them participate?

No. Anyone who is also suffering from alcoholism could be counterproductive to the intervention. Additionally, anyone who the alcoholic dislikes or anyone who is not cooperating with other participants should be excluded. 


How many people died from alcohol-related causes in 2020-2021

A. 123,000   B. 135,000   C. 156,000   D. 178,000

D. More than 178,000 people died from alcohol-related causes from 2020 to 2021


What is Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

It is a medical condition characterized by impaired ability to stop or control alcohol


What do alcoholics typically die from?

Things such as drunk driving and fights are common causes but health issues such as cancer or heart disease are also major killers.


What are 2 types of common cancers that are caused by alcohol abuse?

mouth, throat, larynx/voice box, stomach cancer, and esophagus


True or False. Everyone who is participating in an intervention should come up with a plan of what actions to take if the alcoholic does not agree to get help. They should also share these actions with the alcoholic during the intervention. 

True. It is important to let the alcoholic know during the intervention that you love them and want to help them, but you will not continue to support their addiction. 


True or False: 45% of people with past-year alcohol use disorder receive some sort of treatment.

False. Less than 10% of people with past-year alcohol use disorder receive any treatment


True or False: Alcohol addiction was formally diagnosed as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)



How many stages of alcoholism are there?

4 stages: 

Early - drinking out of boredom or to relieve stress and blacking out

Middle - Depression, anxiety, cravings, and dependence

Late - Severe addiction and need for alcohol. Starts affecting life and having physical, social, and mental tolls

End - Life-threatening stage with no more control over their drinking. At this point, professional help is needed for recovery


How are drug abuse and mental health related?

Alcohol abuse can cause mental health issues and mental health issues cause alcohol. This is called a dual diagnosis because it is hard to figure out which came first


What is the difference between Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon?

Alcoholics Anonymous is meant for alcoholics while Al-Anon is meant for the friends and family of an alcoholic. Similarly, Alateen is a branch of Al-Anon that is specifically for teenagers. 


In 2022, what percent of liver disease deaths involved alcohol?

A. 20%     B. 32%     C. 46%     D. 57%

C. 46% of 98,457 liver disease deaths involved alcohol


What is a factor that can increase Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

Drinking at early age, genetics and family history of alcohol
