This scientist looks like the guy from golden balls
What is Jasper Hallsworth
This Subject can go burn in a fire
What is French
This meme surfaced in January 2018 on VRChat
What is Ugandan Knuckles
What was the worst YouTube rewind
What is Rewind 2018
This is how you pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism
What is antidisestablishmentarianism
This teacher is known as the bald guy
What is Pete Ditch
This subject is short but sweet
What is P.E
This meme was based off of a Presidential Speech
What is Ladies and Gentlemen, we got em
What is the best YouTube channel to hit 100 million subscribers.
Who is PewDiePie
This is the most viewed game in 2019
What is Minecraft
What is Miss Gough
This Subject is the worst lesson
This meme was used to insult people who didn't understand memes
What is Ok Boomer
What is Triple Trouble
This is the best sports game ever
What is Wii Sports Resort
This teacher has been teaching for too long
What is Richie Howard
This subject is good but can also be embarrassing
What is Drama?
This meme was a quote from a very hungry boy
What is 'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda
This person is the YouTube boxing heavyweight champion
Who is KSI
Everyone hates this teacher
Who is Miss Gough
This teacher ordered people to "take does shorts off"
What is Keith Doran
This subject can only be described as boring
What is Maths
This meme started in October 2018 and is somehow still going
What is TikTok
This YouTuber fought against cyberbully channels
Who is Misha
Who was the 1st DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Who is Akira Kurusu (Joker)