my favorite slushy noobz sayin
the food that shall not be named
the most famous middle school one
jordan richardson
favorite harry potter movie
goblet of fire
what is my dream pet
how many times have i peed myself this year
3 times roughly
a type of cheese
cottage cheese
my worst high school crush
naoki 🤮
favorite slime texture
clear glossy with crunchy cubes
which harry potter wand do i have
sirius black
worst drunk experience
passing out cold at stephs house
does the car make me nauseous true or false
flase i lobe car 🚙
biggest celeb crush aka hubby
hamzah the fantastic in be iykyk
my favorite show of all time
the office
how many times has my pinky toenail fallen off
8 times 😛
if i could be a marvel super hero who would i be
i am groot but ofc
what do i need my mommy to hold me for
shots 🩸 🩸 🩸
middle school crush wanna throw up everything i mention his name
andrew daniel
favorite perfume scent
freshe greens one
how did i kill my first pet hamster
starvation :)
what is my biggest op
which is my least fav alcoholic drink
jell-o shots
almost dated him in 5th grade
carmine damara
favorite slushy episode
is it real or is it cake / minecraft any
how many jobs have i had
4 jobs ladies and gents