What is sundown?
We greet each other on Shabbat with this phrase.
What is Shabbat Shalom?
This is the Hebrew response to “Good Morning”
What is, “Boker Ohr”?
We say this when we first wake up.
What is “Modeh/Modah Ani”?
The first thing God created.
What is light?
(Bonus: What day did God create people?)
You might find an egg and a bone on this
(Bonus: Name the three other things on a seder plate)
We say this over wine or grape juice.
What is “Kiddush”?
(Bonus: What other blessings do we say, usually at home, on Shabbat?)
You’ll want to wish someone this on a holiday.
What is “Hag Sameach”?
What is the Shema?
The symbol of God’s promise not to send another flood to destroy the world.
What is a rainbow?
A Time to say “I’m Sorry.”
What is Yom Kippur?
Some people might be wearing this over their shoulders during services.
Counting in Hebrew…. 1, 2, 3, 4, _______
What is “Hamaish”?
You’d say “borei p’ri ha-etz” before eating this.
Fruits that grow on trees.
(Bonus: What blessing would you say over vegetables?)
A good deed or way to behave.
What is a Mitzvah?
(Bonus: How many are there in the Torah? Name one)
We read the story of Esther from this special scroll.
What is the Megillah?
This special service welcomes Shabbat.
What is Kabbalat Shabbat?
(Bonus - Name one prayer we say during the Kabbalat Shabbat service)
Something we might say before doing something, in Hebrew.
What is a Brachah?
It’s said on a special occasion, such as the first time you do something.
What is the Shehecheyanu?
The first Jewish people
Who are Abraham and Sarah?
(Bonus question: Name one of their children; one of their grandchildren)
We read the end and then start at the beginning.
What is the Simchat Torah?
A time to say good-bye to Shabbat
What is Havdalah?
This is “very good.”
What is “Tov Meod”?
The congregation responds to the leader in this prayer that begins some services.
What is the Barchu?
What is the number of books in the Torah?
(Bonus: Name one of the books)