What is Ale’s favorite TV show ever?
What color was Ale’s room when she was little?
What guy that Ale talked to did she meet on a facetime call?
What has Ale wanted to major in for the last 3 years?
What is Ale’s least favorite way to get woken up?
Phone calls
Why does Ale not like honking at people anymore?
A guy followed her because she honked at him
What was Ale’s childhood dogs name?
Which guy almost got Ale arrested?
When Ale was little, what did she want to be when she grew up?
A vet
What is Ale’s least favorite thing about driving?
Who is Ale’s favorite artist? (taking anyone in top 2)
Don Toliver, Brent
What was Ale’s favorite icecream flavor when she was little?
Cookies and cream
What career does Ale want after college?
What word does Ale hate the most?
What is Ale’s favorite movie?
How many pets has Ale had IN TOTAL
9 (3 birds, 1 hamster, 1 fish, 4 dogs)
What guy did Ale go on a date with after her break up with Jonah?
What pet does Ale really want when she moves out?
a cat
What is Ale’s number 1 pet peeve?
When people smell bad
What is Ale’s only phobia?
Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
What year did Ale’s childhood dog die?
What is Ale’s love language?
If Ale were to get a tattoo, what type of tattoo would she get? (be specific)
Spine tattoo
What is the main reason Ale hates when it’s hot outside?
Hair gets frizzy