What is Alex G's birthday?
February 3, 1993
What was his first album?
"DO NOT ENTER" is written on the doorway...
Why can't everyone just go away?
My brother told me that he's gonna kill himself tonight, with a whole bottle of Prozac or a shiny kitchen knife.
Nintendo 64
Genre of music he makes?
Indie, Alternative, R&B/Soul
Most popular album?
Mary is a girl that leaves you to rot...
She says, "I am real and you are not".
Thinking of things to do, yeah only the cheapest things left there for you
Things to do
Alex's full name?
Alexander Giannascoli
I have a friend who sits and the corner lot...
Selling pills to girls from across the block
And I'll break for you baby, cause you make me feel so good.
How many siblings does he have?
Run my hands through his short black hair...
I love you Harvey I don't care
Where is he from?
Havertown, Pennsylvania
I made a bloody mess in the kitchen sink...
I tried to fix myself, but I didn't think