what war was Hamilton in?
the American Revolution
Who was the first president of the United states
George washington
what state did Hamilton die in?
New York
who did Hamilton mary
Elizabeth schuyler
hamilton was the first ____ of the Treasury
why did Hamilton join the war?
his friends influenced him
did Hamilton have an affair
where was Hamilton born?
does Hamilton have a Brother
who killed hamilton
aaron burr
what was the highest rank Hamilton was in?
major general
did Hamilton die immediately after shot
no he died the next day
january 11th 1757 or 1755
when did Hamilton's mother die
how did Hamilton die
he was shot
did Hamilton get married during the war?
what age did Hamilton start working
what college did Hamilton attend
the King's college
what was Hamilton's father's name?
James Hamilton
what year did Hamilton die
what did hamilton and his men stop stownwallis crossing
raritan river
when was Hamilton admitted to practice law
july 1782
what year did Hamilton's father abandon his family
what was Hamilton's mother's name
Rachel Lavine
what party did Hamilton help find
federalist party