True or False: The first Valentine was sent from prison
Phoebe's sister's name in Friends
What is Ursula
Alexa's favorite color
What is pink
Name of the place Serena Van der Woodson lives
True or False: The Texas State Capitol building is the largest state capitol in the US
What is True
What is the most popular gift to give on Valentine's Day?
Name of Gloria's native country in Modern Family
What is Columbia
Alexa's favorite football team
What is the Texas Longhorns!
Finish this line that Amy Poehler (Regina George's mom) says in Mean Girls. "I'm not like a regular mom..."
What is "...I'm a cool mom"
Austin's slogan
What is "Keep Austin Weird"
What group of people receive more Valentine's than anyone else?
Name of Andy's a cappella group at Cornell (from The Office)
What is Here Comes Treble
Number of siblings Alexa has
What is 0
What Elle Woods says after Warner says, "you got into Harvard Law?" (from Legally Blonde)
What is, "what, like it's hard?"
Austin is known as the ______ Capitol of the World?
Live Music
How many roses are grown in preparation for Valentine's Day each year? (+ or - 25 million is okay)
250 million roses
Name of the bar Barney and Ted want to open in How I Met Your Mother
What is Puzzles
Alexa's college major
What is psychology
Name of the animal that Alice follows into Wonderland
What is a rabbit
Name Austin was called before it was called Austin
What is Waterloo
In what century did Valentine's Day officially become a holiday associated with love?
1300s (14th century). Fun fact: In the Middle Ages, it was believed that February 14th was the start of birds' mating season.
Movie that Jess is obsessed with in New Girl. She watches it when she's going through a break-up
What is Dirty Dancing
City that Alexa's parents are from
What is Chicago
Madonna's last name
What is Ciccone
The oldest bar in in Central Texas (which is in Austin)
What is Scoot Inn