Number Systems
Parts of a Whole
Equations and Inequalities
Functions and Polynomials

This law involves switching the order and still getting the same answer in Fast and Slow Addition.

What are the Commutative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?


This is the set of positive, negative, and neutral numbers.

What are Integers?


These are collections of terms that are are divided by each other.

Rational expressions


This is the goal of solving these expressions with equal signs, greater/less than (or equal to) symbols.

What is isolating the variable by doing the opposite operations on both sides of these collections of terms.


These are special sets of ordered pairs with one y-value per x-value whose graph is in the form of a straight line.

What are linear functions?


This is the law that switches the grouping without changing the answer in Fast and Slow Addition.

What are the Associative Properties of Addition and Multiplication?


These are sets of all numbers that can be written as fractions, ratios, decimals, percentages, and other parts of a whole.

What are Rational Numbers?


1/4, 6/7, 7/8, and 8/9 are examples of these parts of a whole.

What are examples of fractions?


These are any sets of ordered pairs whose graph is in the form of a straight line.

What are linear relations?


These are special sets of ordered pairs with one y-value per x-value whose highest degree is two and its graph is in the form of a curve called a parabola, which opens down when the first term is negative and up when the leading coefficient is positive.

What are quadratic functions?


These are laws that state that any value increased by zero equal that value and any number times one result in that number.

The Additive and Multiplicative Identities 


These are numbers that cannot be written in the form of a/b or a:b, e.g. pi and e.

What are irrational numbers?


These are parts of a whole that are based on ten or a tenth.

What are decimals?


An example of this collection of terms is y= mx+b.

What is a linear equation?


This is a rule that states that a set of ordered pairs is a function if a line that travels up and down crosses the Coordinate plane at no more than one point.

The Vertical Line Test 


This law declares that anything times zero equals this neural identity.

What is the Real Number Property of Zero?


These are numbers that should be on the number line but they are just not there.

What are imaginary numbers?


These are real numbers that are divided by a hundred.

What are percentages?


An example of this collection of terms is y>mx+b.

What is a linear inequality?


This is the simplest way to factor polynomials, or a collection of many terms.

What are taking out the Greatest Common Factor and then putting all of the common terms back into the parentheses, which is the opposite of the Distributive Property?


This law requires multiplying everything inside of the parentheses by everything outside of the parentheses, which is the opposite of Factoring or Condensing.

What is the Distributive Property?


These numbers are written in the form of a+bi or a-bi.

What are complex numbers?


The slope, which has a measurement of how steep a line is, exemplifies this type of number.

What is a ratio?


These are ways to check the solutions to collections of terms with equal, greater/less than (or equal to) signs?

What are replacing the letters with the numbers or plotting the points on number lines?


These are polynomials whose highest degree is two.

What are quadratics?
