Evaluate One-Variable Expressions
Reasoning w/ Shapes
Generate Expressions
Evaluate Two-Variable Expressions

Leo's age is 21 less than 2 times the age of his sister. If his sister is 23, how old is Leo?

A. 21
B. 23
C. 25
D. 46

C. 25


The perimeter of a shape is the measurement of the total distance around the outside of the shape.

If the length and width of a rectangle are represented by and w, respectively, generate an expression that represents the total perimeter of a rectangle.

2l + 2w


The length of a football field is 30 yards more than its width. Express the length of the football field in terms of its width, w.

w + 30


A shipping company charges $8 per small package and $12 per large package for delivery. The expression 8x+12represents the total cost of shipping x small packages and y large packages.

How much does it cost to ship 32 small packages and 18 large packages?  




-7 + 13



A career center enrolls 374 high school juniors (11th grade). The number of seniors (12th grade) is 56 more than one-half the number of juniors. How many seniors attend the career center?

A. 215
B. 243
C. 402
D. 804

B. 243


We find the area of the rectangle by multiplying the length and width.

The length of a rectangle is 3 less than 3 times its width. If w = the width of the rectangle, which expression represents the area of the rectangle?

A. 3w - 3
B. 0.5w(3w - 3)
C. w(3w - 3)
D. (3w - 3) ÷ 2

C. w(3w - 3)


A plumber charges $55 per hour and spends $20 a day on gasoline. Write an algebraic expression to represent his net earnings for one day.

55h + 20


The expression 15a + 25represents the amount of money a theater takes in per night if the sell amount of $15 seats and b amount of $25 seats. How much money does the theater take in if = 207 and b = 134?

A. $5,115
B. $5,175
C. $6,455
D. $7,185

C. $6,455



4 + (-2 x -3)



Jada wrote a check to pay for gas. The amount of the check was $5 less than one-half the amount that she had deposited into her account that day. If she deposited $84, how much did she pay for gas?



A rectangle has a width of and a length of 2w - 3.

Which expression represents the perimeter of the rectangle?

A. 3w - 3
B. w(2w - 3)
C. 5- 3
D. 6w - 6

D. 6w - 6


The width of Kevin's yard is 10 feet more than twice the width of his garage. Which expression below describes the width of his yard if represents the width of his garage?

A. 2g(10)
B. 2g ÷ 10
C. 2g + 10
D. 2- 10

C. 2g + 10


Evaluate the expression:

y24x + y

when y = 4 and x = 5




13 - 0.2(7 - 2)2



The expression 3(x + 2x) represents the distance between two cities. What is the distance if = 4?

A. 48
B. 36
C. 27
D. 18

B. 36


A triangle has 3 different side lengths:

Side 1 = a
Side 2 = 2a - 1
Side 3 = 2a

Which of the following expressions represents the perimeter of the triangle?

A. 5a - 1
B. a(2a - 1)(2a)
C. 4a - 1
D. 2- 1 - a - 2a

A. 5a - 1


The number of minutes that Erin spent on Project B is 45 less than one-half of her time spent on Project A. Which expression best represents her time spent on Project B, if a equals the number of minutes spent on Project A?

A. 2a + 90
B. 2a - 45
C. 2a ÷ 45
D. 0.5a - 45

D. 0.5a - 45


The formula for calculating the total amount A in a savings account after one year is A=P(1 + r), where P is the initial deposit and r is the interest rate (expressed as a decimal).

What is the total amount in the account after one year if P = 1000 and = 0.05?


A = $1,050



12x + 2y - 9x + 2xy + 4xy - 5y

3x - 3y + 6xy


If x = -3, then what does 4y - 8(3 - 2x) equal?

A. -68y
B. 4y - 72
C. 4y - 24
D. 4y + 24

B. 4y - 72


A triangle has 3 different side lengths:

Side 1 = 2b + 1
Side 2 = b
Side 3 = -4 + 3b

Which of the following expressions represents the perimeter of the triangle?

A. 5b - 3
B. 6b + 3
C. 6b - 3
D. -b + 4

C. 6b - 3


Write and simplify the following expression:

The product of 5 and x multiplied by 6 less than the product of 3 and x.

5x(3x - 6) --> 15x2 - 30x


Evaluate the expression (x2 - y2) ÷ (x2 + y2) when = 2 and y = -1

A. 1/3
B. 3/5
C. 1
D. 5/3

B. 3/5


Simplify using the distributive property and combining like terms:

2(x + 7) + 4(3x - 2)

14+ 6
