Name it!
You got it!
You know it!
Guess it!
Remember it!

a disease or condition that will eventually cause death

What is terminal illness?


  deep distress or sorrow over a loss.

What is grief?


If a client says “Yes me, but…” this means the client is in the ______ stage

What is bargaining?


legal documents that allow people to choose what medical care they wish to have if they are unable to make those decisions themselves.

What is advance directives?


Advance directives must be __________. The care team’s personal feelings about them are not________.

What is honored / relevant?


holistic, compassionate care given to people who have approximately six months or less to live.

What is hospice care?


care given to people who have serious diseases or who are dying that emphasizes relieving pain, controlling symptoms, and preventing side effects.

What is palliative care?


alternating periods of slow, irregular breathing and rapid, shallow breathing, along with periods of not breathing.

What is Cheyne-Stokes respirations?


the Latin term for the temporary condition after death in which the muscles in the body become stiff and rigid.

What is rigor mortis?


All clients have the right to refuse treatment

(true or false)

What is true?


care of the body after death.

What is postmortem care?


______ ______ may make body difficult to move.

What is rigor mortis?


Whether a resident was religious or non-religious, the NA’s job is to respect the family’s _______ and ________.

What is customs/choices?


The NA should remove tubes or other equipment after death

(true or false)

What is false?


The NA should bathe the body after death

(true or false)

What is true?


The main goal of hospice care is to keep the client _______

what is comfortable?


Sometimes, when residents are not capable of making a decision, they have told their families how they wish things to be done. Caregivers should be _________of family members and not judge them.

What is supportive?

If a client says “No, not me” this means the client is in the ______ stage

What is denial?


When working with a hospice program, the NA should be aware of_____ _____ ________.

What is their own feelings?


When caring for a client that is approaching death the NA should act especially cheerful or sad

(True or false)

What is false?


name (3) factors that can influence feelings and attitudes about death

what is ...

•Experience with death

•Personality type

•Religious beliefs

•Cultural background


Name (3) signs of approaching death

•Blurred and failing vision

•Unfocused eyes

•Impaired speech

•Diminished sense of touch

•Loss of movement, muscle tone, and feeling

•Rising body temperature or below-normal temperature

•Decreasing blood pressure

•Weak pulse that is abnormally slow or rapid

•Alternating periods of slow, irregular respirations and rapid, shallow respirations, along with short periods of apnea (Cheyne-Stokes)

•Rattling or gurgling sound when breathing

•Cold, pale skin

•Mottling, spotting, or blotching of skin



•Disorientation or confusion


Name (3) changes that occur after death

What is ...

No heartbeat, pulse, respiration, or blood pressure

•Eyelids partially open; eyes in fixed stare

•Mouth may remain open


•Rigor mortis


Name (3) rights identified in the Dying Person's Bill of Rights

what is...

•be treated as a living human being until I die.

•maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing its focus may be.

•be cared for by those who can maintain a sense of hopefulness, however changing this may be.

•express my feelings and emotions about my approaching death in my own way.

•participate in decisions concerning my care.

•expect continuing medical and nursing attentions even though “cure” goals must be changed to “comfort” goals.

•not die alone.

•be free from pain.

•have my questions answered honestly.

•not be deceived.

•have help from and for my family in accepting my death.

•die in peace and dignity.

•retain my individuality and not be judged for my decisions which may be contrary to beliefs of others.

•discuss and enlarge my religious and/or spiritual experiences, whatever these may mean to others.

•expect that the sanctity of the human body will be respected after death.

•be cared for by caring, sensitive, knowledgeable people who will attempt to understand my needs and will be able to gain some satisfaction in helping me face my death.


Name the (5) stages of grief

what is...





